Saturday, 24 October 2015

Wisdom of the Gods: The process of Earth’s creation, Earth’s growth & The mystery of Birth

The process of Earth’s creation 

Earth was first created as an astral being and for this to happen we were given guidance by the light of our Source. The light of our Source instructed us that Earth should have a physical body of high energy able exist in different planes. When Earth was created, she first had to become aware of her purpose; this was supported by our intervention. 

There were many transformations that Earth had to go through before she was able to create life. She had to connect to her true essence, understand her purpose and develop her tools of creation. After many cycles of evolution, Earth was able to allow life to be created on and in her. The process of Earth’s creation can be seen in nature: for example a tree naturally and effortlessly expands by growing new branches, leafs, flowers and fruit. All beings who were created on Earth were seen as her own expansion that will help her to receive and transmit light. Many beings were created and we supported Earth to create life. You may ask how were they created? what was the initial form? the first form can not be seen on your planet anymore. It is not an egg, a seed or a tiny living particle that created the first beings. At that time she was going through an immense transformation, receiving cosmic light and also have direct guidance from high creator Gods. 

The first beings on Earth can be described more as astral beings and their birth was caused by immense light that was received from Earth and transmitted from her to the cosmos. When Earth was able to create without the guidance of the Gods, she became a planet of physicality and the beings who existed on her they also became physical. They were able to multiply by receiving the light of the Cosmos and also connecting to the energies of Earth. When Earth transforms then her creation is also transformed. 

Done by communication between God Thoth & the messengers of Pantheon of Aeternam
Earth’s growth
If you want to know about Earth’s growth you should look at the human beings' growth. Most of them are waking up and they already understand that illusion has forced on them an artificial reality to be seen and experienced as truth. They understand that they cannot fulfil their purpose if they live according to illusionary ideals. They want to escape their illusionary life patters and connect to truth but they find it difficult to disconnect, clear their blockages and connect to true-self. Most human beings are comfortable accepting an illusionary life style and illusionary beliefs because this way they do not have to deal with their traumas and schisms. They think that by choosing to disconnect from truth, it will make their life easy and pleasant, hoping for a happy end. Truth is a great cleanser but you can only connect to it if you are willing to face everything that you are including imbalances and schisms. 

Earth is divided into different areas of growth and this is why she suffers from imbalances and schisms. She is a Goddess planet, therefore she has they ability to connect to the Source and create life. This ability is responsible for high growth and there are certain parts of Earth that experience high growth. These parts exist separately from what you know as Earth and have high vibration. The beings who exist there are also high vibrational beings and their way of life existence is very different from yours. Human beings on Earth can not enter the high vibrational areas. The technology you have is related to your mind and your mind is very limited. Your technology tries to conquer and control Earth’s creative powers but you will never achieve that and all your attempts will fail. If you were able to see Earth as a High vibrational creator who is able to give you life according to our Source's intention, then you will be able to focus on your own growth which depends on your ability to know your true essence. Why do human beings want to own Earth? why do they want to create life when this is not their purpose? If you wish to grow you have to disconnect from illusionary beliefs of authority and see yourselves as part of the link between Earth and the Source.

Done by communication between Goddess Astaroth & The messengers of Pantheon of Aeternam

The mystery of Birth

All beings in all planes consist of their creation code. This part of their being is the highest part energetically and is connected to the light of our source. The creation code consists of all expected growth and evolution that one may have. Everything that you are and going to become when you transform is recored in your creation code including reincarnations

Before you reincarnate you exist in the astral plane. The right moment, according to your creation code, you are going to be chosen to reincarnate or to exist in a certain plane. The astral being becomes aware of the reincarnation, its purpose and a general life plan. Then it goes through a preparation in order to join the body that is created in the womb. 
The unity between the female and the male parts can not produce a child if the energy of the astral being is not able to enter the unity of the male seed and the female egg. The physical body grows like a plant coming out of a seed; this is a natural process and is related to Earth’s way to create. For Earth the birth of a plant, an animal or a human being follows the same process of creation. The physical body that grows in the womb attracts the light of the astral being and tries to help the energy find its way and connect to the physical body that starts to form. This is the true mystery of birth and is a complex process depending on many different factors. The parents are also involved in this divine unity and there is a great transformation taking place that affects everybody's growth. Often the energy of the astral being is supported by guides who are able to connect to the physical body and prepare the unity that is about to take place. If the astral being is not able to connect to the physical body then the foetus dies either before the birth or straight after. This is a brief explanation about the birth of a human being.

Done by communication between Goddess Astaroth & The messengers of Pantheon of Aeternam
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This author has the ability to communicate, exchange energy between her and the gods and allow this energy to be transformed into information.She had the gift from birth because this was going to be her contribution to the plan of divine creation.
For more information or become a member

We are the messengers of the Gods. We do not teach dogma, philosophy or other man made theory. We teach ageless wisdom and cosmic truth given to us by the High Gods Of the pleroma. And we want to inform people about the existence of gods, the different realms, the cosmic laws and all activity that is going on for the benefit of the earth and her inhabitants.

True self-value is linked to purity, the gathering and distribution of High Light, the knowing of your essence, your tools and purpose, the fight to complete the task given to you by the High Gods and the Divine Creator and if you exist on the Earth plane you have also to be tuned to the planet and its natural laws.  All human beings are able to contribute to Earth’s energy. All human beings have the potential to acquire more light, connect to Earth’s and astral energies, experience the divine self and study mastery. All human beings have the basic tools which can help them to see themselves as part of the divine plan and creation and apply their individual 
qualities to support the divine plan.
All rights reserved-all information herein is the sole intellectual property of Pantheon of Aeternam and cannot be reproduced, copied and or displayed publicly or privately wholly or in part without the expressed written consent of Pantheon of Aeternam as expressed by international copyright laws. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Wisdom of Thoth: The light of the Cosmos & The light of the Gods

The light of the Cosmos 
If human beings want to connect to the light of the cosmos, they have to accept that their essence is energy and that they are constantly connected to other energies.
Exchanging energy can take many forms and all people on Earth can achieve it often without knowing. When you dream you are able to disconnect from your physicality and experience other realities; this happens to you because you are beings of energy and you exist simultaneously in different planes. Your physicality is not permanent; it helps you to experience life in a certain way and for a short time, similarly to a dream state. True existence takes place in the astral plane which is the home of all beings. When you accept that you are energy and your life on Earth is just an experience that will help you to fulfil growth in the astral plane then you see yourself as energy and you are able to create and connect to others in an energetic way. Astral beings do not exist independently. They are part of light groups which are also part of greater energetic structures. Everything in the cosmos is connected and exist as unity. This is the only way for the cosmos to remain alive and receive and transmit light. This last cosmic law is vital to help all creation to grow and evolve. 
If you are a human being and you have just realised that your essence is energy and your physicality is temporary, then you will understand the need of opening up to the light of the cosmos. Beings that receive the light of the cosmos are going to fulfil their purpose and support others to achieve the same. An energy being naturally seeks the light of our Source and is open to it they way you seek water every day. Connecting to cosmic light we are seeking perfection, eliminating all obstacles that can make us weak. In your third dimensional reality you cannot open fully to the light of the cosmos because you are following illusion. There is a puppet master who is also a puppet himself that has convinced you that your life is plan of limitation and you can only be happy by accepting illusion as truth. When you are able to see through this plan and connect to your true-self then you will be able to receive cosmic light.

Done by communication between God Thoth and the messengers of Pantheon of Aeternam
The Light of the Gods

The people of Earth are tricked to live in a prison without walls. But many of them have started to see truth and wish to escape and live a life of truth and freedom.
When you are hungry, eat the seeds and the fruit that I planted on Earth. They are alive; they are part of my creation on Earth. They have life in them which is connected to my light; the light I receive from the high source. There are people on Earth who want to connect to their higher-self. They try hard to achieve this by using different techniques and methods; based on man-made illusions.
There are people who want to connect to their higher-self and spend their time fantasising and indulging in reading and listening to many tongues. The higher-self is a great strategist; it is the captain of the ship, a great navigator. You are the ship and you are traveling from the low to the high realms. The ship consists of the physical and the astral body and the crew is your growth and evolution. The higher- self is not being affected by your growth. The higher-self knows the divine plan and your contribution is guiding you towards this goal
Your physical body and your third dimensional experience are slowing down the evolution but on the other hand provide great challenges and lessons to the ones who experience this type of reality. Human beings who are able to wake up and connect to their true-self have learnt a great lesson and will be rewarded. Having a physical form does not restrict you from connecting to your astral body and becoming part of growth and evolution that takes place there.
Naturally all bodies generate and transmit light and this is your connection with your higher-self. The higher-self will collect light from the higher realms and send it to your astral body and the astral body will reflect this light to the physical body. You are created to receive high light and evolve as a physical being but currently you refuse to open up to the cosmic force. Your blockage affects many areas of your understanding of cosmos and has totally transformed you into a different species.
There are many people on Earth who believe that illusion is everything that exists and when they die this is the end of their existence. A being who is connected to the astral body and receive light from the higher-self knows that death is not the end. All beings are infinite and their true focus is their growth and evolution. If you were connected to your astral body you will know the purpose of your short visit on Earth. You have to be aware that part of your purpose is to heal Earth.
The people of Earth are tricked to live in a prison without walls. But many of them have started to realise their position. They wish to escape and live a life of truth and freedom. But the prison, the invisible prison, has become an addiction. They see truth but they don’t act; they want to follow their intuition but they cannot take responsibility of their actions; they can see how illusion affects people’s lives but they cannot see how their own life is affected; they advocate against artificiality but their actions support it. You will become fully awaken when you return to Earth and taste all the fruit we have planted. There you can find the light; the light of the gods.

Done by communication between God Thoth and the messengers of Pantheon of Aeternam
Click on the picture below to become a member of our Facebook group

This author has the ability to communicate, exchange energy between her and the gods and allow this energy to be transformed into information.She had the gift from birth because this was going to be her contribution to the plan of divine creation.
For more information or become a member

We are the messengers of the Gods. We do not teach dogma, philosophy or other man made theory. We teach ageless wisdom and cosmic truth given to us by the High Gods Of the pleroma. And we want to inform people about the existence of gods, the different realms, the cosmic laws and all activity that is going on for the benefit of the earth and her inhabitants.

True self-value is linked to purity, the gathering and distribution of High Light, the knowing of your essence, your tools and purpose, the fight to complete the task given to you by the High Gods and the Divine Creator and if you exist on the Earth plane you have also to be tuned to the planet and its natural laws.  All human beings are able to contribute to Earth’s energy. All human beings have the potential to acquire more light, connect to Earth’s and astral energies, experience the divine self and study mastery. All human beings have the basic tools which can help them to see themselves as part of the divine plan and creation and apply their individual 
qualities to support the divine plan.
All rights reserved-all information herein is the sole intellectual property of Pantheon of Aeternam and cannot be reproduced, copied and or displayed publicly or privately wholly or in part without the expressed written consent of Pantheon of Aeternam as expressed by international copyright laws. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.