Monday, 23 February 2015

Wisdom of Thoth: The Creation of Earth & How did humans come to Earth?



                              Taken from Fountain source of high wisdom, The sacred book of Thoth

This teaching offers a detailed account of Earth’s creation and the golden era. 

In this teaching, Thoth explains that initially Earth was not created for low vibrational being such as humans; it was the home of the gods, their helpers and other high beings. For the creation of planet Earth, the gods worked, forming the astral substance and maintaining her movement or rotation. Before the creation of Earth there were many imbalances which affected many planets of the galaxy. Some of them went out of rotation and balance, others moved away and others were completely destroyed. 

We wanted to create a planet that is also a high creator god and has the ability to maintain and create life. This was our intention when we created Earth. At first, Earth was a planetary body with very few faculties. There was no life. Then we inhabited Earth's aura and from there we injected life in her. It was the light of our creator and source which came through us and spread on Earth, not only on the surface but also in the core and her aura.

Then we saw life emerging. Her alignment with the other planets was stabilised and her rotation was regular. Water started to cover big parts of the Earth and new life started to emerge first in the water. Volcanic eruptions took place due to extreme contrasts in temperature and the lava created the first fertile lands. All planets when they are first born have an enormous ability to create life on them and this is their survival mechanism. 

When the planet was fully grown we made her our residence. At this stage we intervened by helping and teaching Earth to create or we used our light to create on Earth and make it a proper home for the gods and their helpers. Many gods were involved in Earth's creation. In the beginning of the golden era, Earth was fully grown and was becoming a creator god as well as a high vibrational planet responsible for raising the vibration of the galaxy that she belonged to. The richness and variety of plants, animals and resources was enormous. Earth, during the golden age, was more powerful and full of life than any other time. The animal kingdom had a wide range of species of an immense number of forms. They were high vibrational beings and lived in perfect balance with their environment. The whole Earth was a civilisation created by the gods who lived on the planet. 

When the gods decided to leave and give Earth free will in order to become a high god, intelligent beings from different planets made their appearance. Many visitors were attracted to Earth's riches; some of them were low vibrational beings who were able to penetrate Earth's protection, land on the planet and create civilisations. These are your ancestors. High vibrational beings also remained on Earth and saw themselves as the guardians of the planet. They understood the divine logos related to Earth's creation, the planet's purpose and decided to stay there and become the link between gods and Earth. These beings moved to the hollow Earth and they are still the guardians of the planet. The other races remained on Earth, created civilisations and experienced chaos and evolution. 

Done by communication between God Thoth, Barbara & Robbert-jan Rozenkruis



                             Taken from Fountain source of high wisdom, The sacred book of Thoth

This teaching discusses the invasion that took place on Earth by beings of high and low energy. During the golden age, all beings, animals and plants lived in harmony with each other and stay connected to the energies of the planet. All beings contributed to the overall growth of the whole being, Earth. When the planet was colonized by the intruders, the balance and harmony on the planet were interrupted. Earth became a colony and the alien forces became the rulers.    

It was decided by the gods to create a barrier around Earth in order to keep low beings away. This was an energetic vibrational barrier which was visible and did not allow low vibrational beings to enter Earth. However, there were beings that were able to penetrate by cutting through the barrier. These were high dimensional beings that did not follow the gods' rules and as they penetrated the Earth’s atmospheres they made space for lower dimensional beings to enter and land on the planet. This is how it started and Earth was quickly colonised by many races; these are your ancestors.

During the golden age, the only beings who lived on Earth were the gods and their helpers who were demi-gods. All beings, animals and plants lived in harmony with each other. There was no competition; they did not have the feelings of survival and fear and enjoyed an undisturbed life cycle, a life without death. When these other beings colonised Earth, they did not respect the natural laws and did everything they could to sabotage them. In the beginning they were overwhelmed by the diversity of life that could be found on the planet. Soon they made a plan and tried to steal Earth’s riches. 

The news, that Earth was the most precious jewel of the galaxy, moved fast and many races decided to visit the planet. They tried to colonize the planet by using high technological weapons; the atomic bomb that was used in recent years was a primitive weapon in comparison with the weapons used then. Gods were concerned about the future of Earth.

Earth was going to be ruled by a portion of humanity that did not belong to her creation; there were not her children, there were simply her enemy. When you see people on Earth being brutally selfish and unkind do not be surprised. They came here to destroy the planet and her creation. They are trapped here on a planet that does not recognize them and does not want to feed them with the mother's energy. They are suffering too. They are suffering because their ancestors penetrated the godly atmospheres and came to loot the riches that were given to Earth by the gods.

Done by communication between Christian Rosenkreutz, Barbara & Robbert-jan Rozenkruis

Video teaching of God Thoth 
(Recorded live during communication with Barbara)
Watch the video by using the link below


For full list of content with description, visit 

You will also be able to view the artwork, acknowledgement, preface, & introduction. 

 Become a member of our facebook group.


This author has the ability to communicate, exchange energy between her and the gods and allow this energy to be transformed into information.
She had the gift from birth because this was going to be her contribution to the plan of divine creation.
For more information or become a member

We are the messengers of the Gods. We do not teach dogma, philosophy or other man made theory. We teach ageless wisdom and cosmic truth given to us by the High Gods Of the pleroma. And we want to inform people about the existence of gods, the different realms, the cosmic laws and all activity that is going on for the benefit of the earth and her inhabitants.

True self-value is linked to purity, the gathering and distribution of High Light, the knowing of your essence, your tools and purpose, the fight to complete the task given to you by the High Gods and the Divine Creator and if you exist on the Earth plane you have also to be tuned to the planet and its natural laws. 
All human beings are able to contribute to Earth’s energy. All human beings have the potential to acquire more light, connect to Earth’s and astral energies, experience the divine self and study mastery.
All human beings have the basic tools which can help them to see themselves as part of the divine plan and creation and apply their individual 
qualities to support the divine plan.

All rights reserved-all information herein is the sole intellectual property of Pantheon of Aeternam and cannot be reproduced, copied and or displayed publicly or privately wholly or in part without the expressed written consent of Pantheon of Aeternam as expressed by international copyright laws. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Fountain Source of High Wisdom: The Sacred Book of Thoth - Table of Contents

For full list of content with description, visit 

You will also be able to view the artwork, acknowledgement, preface, & introduction. 


Acknowledgment................................................................................ xv


Introduction........................................................................................ xix

Chapter I............................................................................................... 1

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: My task is now complete......……1

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: The real fight is the mastering of          creation................................................................................................2

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Be your own god................……4

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: The Code of Creation..........……5

Wisdom of Astaroth: Rescuing Earth.................................................. 6

Wisdom of Astaroth: Our High Creator..........................................…...8

Wisdom of Astaroth: Destroy the Old and Create the New................ 9

Wisdom of Astaroth: We are not here to save the diseased that are in love 
with their disease................................................................................10

Wisdom of Astaroth: Your body is your power.................................11

Wisdom of Astaroth: Earth Races................................................…..12

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: A New Era................................14

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Create the Golden Era on                Earth.........................................................................……............……15

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: My Reincarnation as Christian       Rosenkreutz..........................................................................................16

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: My reincarnation as Christian         
Rosenkreutz part 2................................................................................18

Wisdom of Astaroth: Our Mission is to Restore Earth..................…...20

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Cosmic Love and the “Chymical     

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Planet Earth and                             

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: The Divine Plan...................……25

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Seeking Enlightenment...........…..26

Chapter II................................................................................................ 28

Wisdom of Thoth: I created Earth......................................................28

Wisdom of Thoth: Earth is a priestess in my temple.........................30

Wisdom of Thoth: Visitors on Earth..................................................31

Wisdom of Thoth: The Essence and the Dream of Creation.......…..33

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: The Perfection of Earth........... 35

Wisdom of Thoth: Creation and Cosmic Dance..........................…..37

Wisdom of Thoth: Astral Body....................................................…..38

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: The Hollow Earth.............…..40

Wisdom of Thoth: Welcome to my Temple.................................…42

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Evolution.................................43

Wisdom of Thoth: Gods who have reincarnated on Earth.........….45

Wisdom of Astaroth: The Pleroma...............................................…47

Wisdom of Thoth: Is self-realization just another illusion?........….49

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: The ruling elite...................….50

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Clarity, the Master’s Tool…..51

Wisdom of Astaroth: Bringing knowledge down to humanity…...53

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: How did humans come to           

Wisdom of Astaroth: Bridges between humans and gods.............…55

Wisdom of Thoth: The City of Shambhala (Tibet)..........................56

Wisdom of Thoth: Understanding Love.......................................…58

Wisdom of Astaroth: Joining forces..............................................…59

Wisdom of Thoth: From separation to evolution............................60

Wisdom of Thoth: About consciousness........................................…62

Wisdom of Thoth: Purpose, the Living God.....................................63

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: The cosmic laws................…65

Wisdom of Thoth: Dogmas and archetype behaviour.....................66

Wisdom of Thoth: About Reincarnation..........................................67

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: About the soul...................…69

Wisdom of Thoth: Manipulation on Earth...................................…70

Chapter III.............................................................................................73

The Order Pantheon of Aeternam: First Statement..........................73

Wisdom of Astaroth: The truth about existence..........................…74

Wisdom of Thoth: Quest for truth................................................. 76

Wisdom of Thoth: The seeds of truth..........................................…77

Wisdom of Thoth: The symptoms of distortion.............................79

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Dogma of modern                      

Wisdom of Thoth: Living the Illusion...........................................82

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: True enlightenment...............83

Wisdom of Astaroth: The masculine and feminine.....................…85

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Self-Empowerment.............. 86

Wisdom of Thoth: The creation of Earth.....................................…88

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Nothing else but your                  

Wisdom of Thoth: The true-self........................................................90

Wisdom of Thoth: Honesty and purity..............................................91

Wisdom of Thoth: The emerald tablets of Thoth...........................92

Wisdom of Thoth: The Astral Plane (a mega organism)................93

Wisdom of Thoth: The intention of our creator..............................95

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Logos (the essence of              
our source)...........................................................................……...96

Wisdom of Thoth: Becoming diaphanous......................................97

Wisdom of Astaroth: The trismegistus gift to all creation.............98

Wisdom of Thoth: How truthful can you be?.................................100

Wisdom of Astaroth: The challenge that is upon us.......................101

Wisdom of Thoth: Infinite source of evolution...............................102

Wisdom of Thoth: My work in present time...................................103

Wisdom of Thoth: The different stages of transformation                     
of a physical being............................................................................104

Wisdom of Astaroth: The awakening of planet Earth..................... 106

Chapter IV...................................................................................108

Wisdom of Thoth: Escaping the restrictions’ plan.......................108

Wisdom of Astaroth: Allow purity to be your driving force....…109

Wisdom of Thoth: Detach yourself from the false persona..........111

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Spiritual reality and                
mind-born illusion..........................................................................112

Wisdom of Thoth: Walk with purity..............................................113

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Archetypes in the                       
astral plane.....................................................................................114

Wisdom of Thoth: Being in a state of truth....................................116

Wisdom of Thoth: Looking at the lives of the people of Earth….117

Wisdom of Astaroth: The Pleroma................................................118

Wisdom of Thoth: Awake and expand your purity.......................119

Wisdom of Thoth: Experiencing a new golden era....................... 120

Wisdom of Thoth: Appreciation and gratitude.............................121

Wisdom of Thoth: High knowledge about planet Earth............... 122

Wisdom of Thoth: The artificial reality.........................................124

Wisdom of Thoth: My gifts to humanity.......................................125

Wisdom of Thoth: About the ruling elite.....................................126

Wisdom of Thoth: Destination of high purpose....................... 128

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: The birth of a god........... 129

Wisdom of Thoth: Laws of cosmos and cosmic creation..........131

Wisdom of Astaroth: The cause of destruction and great                

Wisdom of Thoth: The fool and the deceiver............................134

Wisdom of Thoth: The Earth-Moon-Sun alignment.................135

Wisdom of Thoth: The social pyramid.......................................137

Wisdom of Thoth: High dimensional planets and the lowlife of the
 human being on Earth.................................................................138

Wisdom of Thoth: The high vibrational beings of the golden        

Wisdom of Thoth: The beginning of Earth’s low vibrational          

Wisdom of Thoth: The qualities of the high beings..................142

Chapter V...................................................................................144

Wisdom of Thoth: Return to a space of clarity........................144

Wisdom of Thoth: The unnatural and artificial state of a               
human being..............................................................................146

Wisdom of Thoth: The Light of the Gods.................................147

Wisdom of Thoth: The schisms of the human beings...............149

Wisdom of Thoth: The part of you that keeps you alive...........150

Wisdom of Thoth: Humans are the ones who bring destruction to 
themselves and the Earth...........................................................152

Wisdom of Thoth: The Creator exists in peace.........................153

Wisdom of Thoth: The law of growth...................................... 154

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Cosmic information.........155

Wisdom of Thoth: Compassion.................................................157

Wisdom of Thoth: Wormholes and Star Gates of Light                  
and Energy.................................................................................158

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Gods’ intervention...........159

Wisdom of Astaroth: The dream of our source.........................161

Wisdom of Thoth: The connection between physical and              
astral body.................................................................................162

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Free yourself from                 
your disease and connect to your true-self.................................163

Wisdom of Thoth: Searching for high knowledge................... 164

Wisdom of Thoth: Your guide to growth..................................165

Wisdom of Thoth: A pure source of wisdom............................167

Wisdom of Thoth: The High light of our source.......................168

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Enlightenment and                 

Wisdom of Thoth: Purification..................................................171

Wisdom of Thoth: Earth’s transformation................................171

Wisdom of Thoth: Religion, a propaganda tool........................172

Wisdom Of Thoth: The separation and unity of masculine             
and feminine energies................................................................174

Wisdom of Thoth: Love............................................................175

Chapter VI.................................................................................177

Wisdom of Thoth: Building bridges between Earth and the            

Wisdom of Thoth: Source and creation.....................................179

Wisdom of Thoth: Disinformation on Earth about gods                
and Creation...............................................................................180

Wisdom of Thoth: Gods’ Creation............................................183

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Earth’s pole shift.............184

Wisdom Of Thoth: The downfall of Earth................................186

Wisdom of Thoth: The progression of Earth during the                
golden era..................................................................................188

Wisdom of Thoth: Cosmic Laws...............................................188

Wisdom of Thoth: Humanity’s sleeping state...........................189

Wisdom of Thoth: Truth your only guide to wisdom.............. 190

Wisdom of Thoth: Seek clarity.................................................191

Wisdom of Thoth: The fruit of creation................................... 192

Wisdom of Astaroth: Transformation...................................... 193

Wisdom of Thoth: Discover your true path............................. 195

Wisdom of Thoth: True seekers of wisdom in ancient                   
times and the hollow of the Earth............................................ 196

Wisdom of Thoth: A practical purification exercise................ 197

Wisdom of Thoth: The ancient Druid priesthood.................... 199

Wisdom of Thoth: What is life and why we are here?............. 201

Wisdom of Thoth: Truth and wisdom...................................... 202

Wisdom of Thoth: The healing of Earth.................................. 203

Wisdom of Thoth: High preparation........................................ 204

Wisdom of Thoth: Transformation into a mechanical being.... 205

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Clarity............................. 206

Wisdom of Thoth: Gods communicate with Earth.................. 208

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Mystery Schools............. 209

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Cosmic Information........210

Wisdom of Astaroth: Duality.......................................................211
Wisdom of Astaroth: The creation of the galaxy and the                
position of the Earth and the moon...........................................213

Wisdom of Thoth: The Seen and the Unseen............................214

Chapter VII................................................................................216

Wisdom of Astaroth: Schism of the true-self............................216

Wisdom of Thoth: Fourth statement of the Pantheon of               

Wisdom of Thoth: Third statement of the Pantheon of                 

Wisdom of Thoth: An opportunity for rebirth..........................219

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Road to Consciousness... 220

Wisdom of Thoth: A New Era...................................................221

Wisdom of Thoth: My vision for the new golden era............... 223

Wisdom of Thoth: People of Earth, look around you and              
build bridges with the Gods...............................................……223

Wisdom of Astaroth: A Lesson of High Creation.................... 225

Wisdom of Thoth: Types of imbalances................................... 226

Christian Rosenkreutz: What is life?........................................ 227

Wisdom of Thoth: The gods of the Pleroma............................ 228

Wisdom Of Thoth: Conscious living....................................... 229

Wisdom Of Thoth: The ideal state of Humanity...................... 230

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Moving to a new                   
cycle of evolution.......................................................................231

Wisdom of Thoth: The eyes of illusion.................................... 232

Chapter VIII.............................................................................. 234

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: My teachings and the            
Rosicrucian movement...............................................................234

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Magic.............................. 235

Wisdom of Thoth: The making of a demigod.......................... 236

Wisdom of Astaroth: Be a Warrior and Save the Earth........... 238

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: The wedding of two                

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: The True Nature of a              
Human Being..............................................................................241

Wisdom of Astaroth: Transformation of Earth.......................…242

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: My life on Earth............. 242

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: About the                                
Rosicrucian groups.............................................................……244

Wisdom of Thoth: Connecting the old with the new...................244

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: The faith of humanity               
is in gods’ hands..................................................................…….245

Wisdom of Thoth: The nature of gods.........................................246

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: False authorities.................247

Wisdom of Thoth: Unity...............................................................248

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: The Higher Self...................249

Wisdom of Astaroth: Astral Body.................................................251

Teaching of Christian Rosenkreutz: Truth, belief and the                 
growing seed..........................................................................……252

Wisdom of Thoth: Rejuvenating the Earth.....................................253

Wisdom of Thoth: Experiencing Wisdom.......................................254

Wisdom of Astaroth: Statement of the Pantheon of Aeternam……255

Wisdom of Thoth: About the higher-self.........................................256

Wisdom of Astaroth: Pantheon of Aeternam Statement...................257

Chapter IX.............................................................................................259

A Dialogue with God Thoth.................................................................259


 Become a member of our facebook group.


This author has the ability to communicate, exchange energy between her and the gods and allow this energy to be transformed into information.
She had the gift from birth because this was going to be her contribution to the plan of divine creation.
For more information or become a member

We are the messengers of the Gods. We do not teach dogma, philosophy or other man made theory. We teach ageless wisdom and cosmic truth given to us by the High Gods Of the pleroma. And we want to inform people about the existence of gods, the different realms, the cosmic laws and all activity that is going on for the benefit of the earth and her inhabitants.

True self-value is linked to purity, the gathering and distribution of High Light, the knowing of your essence, your tools and purpose, the fight to complete the task given to you by the High Gods and the Divine Creator and if you exist on the Earth plane you have also to be tuned to the planet and its natural laws. 
All human beings are able to contribute to Earth’s energy. All human beings have the potential to acquire more light, connect to Earth’s and astral energies, experience the divine self and study mastery.
All human beings have the basic tools which can help them to see themselves as part of the divine plan and creation and apply their individual 
qualities to support the divine plan.

All rights reserved-all information herein is the sole intellectual property of Pantheon of Aeternam and cannot be reproduced, copied and or displayed publicly or privately wholly or in part without the expressed written consent of Pantheon of Aeternam as expressed by international copyright laws. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Video teaching of God Thoth: Guided by the Gods


Video teaching of God Thoth 
(Recorded live during communication with Barbara)
Watch the video by using the link below


For full list of content with description, visit 

You will also be able to view the artwork, acknowledgement, preface, & introduction. 

 Become a member of our facebook group.


This author has the ability to communicate, exchange energy between her and the gods and allow this energy to be transformed into information.
She had the gift from birth because this was going to be her contribution to the plan of divine creation.
For more information or become a member

We are the messengers of the Gods. We do not teach dogma, philosophy or other man made theory. We teach ageless wisdom and cosmic truth given to us by the High Gods Of the pleroma. And we want to inform people about the existence of gods, the different realms, the cosmic laws and all activity that is going on for the benefit of the earth and her inhabitants.

True self-value is linked to purity, the gathering and distribution of High Light, the knowing of your essence, your tools and purpose, the fight to complete the task given to you by the High Gods and the Divine Creator and if you exist on the Earth plane you have also to be tuned to the planet and its natural laws. 
All human beings are able to contribute to Earth’s energy. All human beings have the potential to acquire more light, connect to Earth’s and astral energies, experience the divine self and study mastery.
All human beings have the basic tools which can help them to see themselves as part of the divine plan and creation and apply their individual 
qualities to support the divine plan.

All rights reserved-all information herein is the sole intellectual property of Pantheon of Aeternam and cannot be reproduced, copied and or displayed publicly or privately wholly or in part without the expressed written consent of Pantheon of Aeternam as expressed by international copyright laws. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.