Friday 21 May 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: Teaching about the moon.

Earth has created the moon to be Earth’s body out of the body. The purpose of the moon is supportive of Earth's growth. There were upheavals in the galaxy a long time ago. The galaxy was bigger with many suns and had to separate and form smaller galaxies in order to protect life forms and greater electromagnetic fields. During this transformation, the moon was created and was used as a protector and stabilizer of Earth's energies. Its position and movement brought balance to other planets in the galaxy. When the new galaxy was formed the moon continued to support Earth's growth. Astral races will travel to the galaxy to explore Earth; they landed on the moon and made bases there. The intention of these races, the way they entered Earth's atmospheres, and the imbalances that they brought to the planet, generated new energy. This energy attracted low beings who wanted to enter the planet. Earth became a polluted space and also the moon became a polluted space and often exchanged negative energies. Earth being a creator of life is going to purify and grow and this may affect the moon and its electromagnetic field.

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