Sunday, 22 December 2019

What is Pantheon of Aeternam?/ Membership

Pantheon of Aeternam was created in 2014 by Barbara and Robbert-jan. Our unity has supported our project and offered great healing to both of us. We both came from very different backgrounds and we miraculously connected. It happened naturally that we connected to the light of Thoth and this great force helped us to heal and understand our path. We know our purpose now and this is to connect to the light of Thoth and spread it to Earth and humanity. This will trigger purification, growth and transformation for all humanity.
What is Pantheon of Aeternam?
At first Pantheon of Aeternam was our sacred place to connect to the light of Thoth, receive guidance and healing. We received teachings, we were able to communicate, asking questions about our own growth as well as many other subjects such as cosmic wisdom, the purpose, growth and transformation of Earth and humanity. The connection with the energy of Thoth became stronger We needed to purify and grow in order to support each other and start working on a project.
We were instructed to create Pantheon of Aeternam, teaching humanity unity and truth.
Our work is to connect with humanity and with their light, clear all illusion and fragmentation and restore the peace that once existed on Earth during the golden era. Humans need to know how Earth was created and what her purpose is. We are all linked with Earth’s growth and it is important to unite in order to save the planet and her whole creation
How do we receive teachings?
We do not perform any rituals, we do not connect to Thoth certain times/days in a certain room or at a specific high energy spot.We do not use crystals, we do not draw symbols. We are a pure channel of Thoth’s energy and the connection is instant, direct and can take place any time whenever want to offer healing and knowing to Earth and humanity.There is no secret knowledge to be kept for the selected few. All wisdom is revealed to all who are interested in becoming truth. We do not teach dogma, philosophy or other man- made theory. We teach ageless wisdom and cosmic truth given to us by the High Gods of the pleroma. We want to inform people about the existence of gods, the different realms, the cosmic laws and all activity that is going on for the benefit of Earth and her inhabitants. We want to inform people about the creation of planet Earth and her full story of her creation and growth which was hidden for thousands of years. The teachings of gods will help humanity to connect to the Earth’s energies, be part of the planet and live in harmony with all species. We all have to support Earth and restore her to the most graceful expression of herself, her golden age.
There is a divine plan and a high project of creation which involves the cosmic creative force and humanity and Earth. What we try to accomplish is the coming of a new golden era on Earth. With our teachings we want to restore truth and freedom and bring high growth for all human beings and their mother Earth. Human beings need to know about the distortion on Earth that breeds illusion, artificiality and fragmentation. We have to learn to exist in a space of unity; act with purity and focus on growth. Disconnect from illusionary thoughts, expectations and ideals allow healing to enter our being. This can be achieved when people go through a process of purification and transformation.

Saturday, 21 December 2019

Wisdom of Thoth: Religion, a propaganda tool

In this teaching, Thoth speaks about religions and their use as a manipulation tool and a space of non-growth.

All religions were invented as a political, financial and propaganda tool. Organised religion is not focusing on spirituality and advancement instead they want to control and manipulate the mind, the body and the energy of the masses. All religious books consist of some truth even though they are predominantly fictional stories often irrelevant to the teachings and the historical characters.

All ancient teachings were written symbolically as well as literally and they all contain many layers of understanding and hidden esoteric knowledge. The bible is divided into two parts: the Old Testament and the new. The New Testament is written in a much later date and it was a text which contained hidden occult knowledge but it was mainly used to establish Christianity as the new religion in the west. The religion of Christianity was already formed when the New Testament was written. The Old Testament is a collection of historical and legendary facts and covers a period of thousands of years. If you are looking for truth, the Old Testament stands in a better place than the New Testament. However, the text of the Old Testament has been also misinterpreted; parts of it were lost and additions were made to promote the establishment of that time.

The trinity of Jesus father and Holy Spirit is not your weapon to achieve enlightenment. It is more a concept, a story, followed by many. Christianity, a man made religion, has used the idea of trinity as a symbol to represent certain truths related to the story of a new testament. The purpose of all religions is not holy or sacred and does not support cosmic truth. The Old Testament contains writings from many different authors who were active during a period of thousands of years.

These writings were diaries and included historical as well as spiritual events including contacts with higher beings. They have not survived complete and when they put together in one book there were altered and misinterpreted to feed the social and political structure of the time. Furthermore the writing of the ancient people can be taken literally and metaphorically at the same time. In other words a single sentence has many meanings and reveals many truths if you have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Wisdom of Thoth: Searching for high knowledge

Thoth teaches us that our most precious wisdom is our true-self and when we are able to make the connection the light of the cosmos will reach us in great abundance. It is the light of the gods that will bring the new golden era on Earth.

The light of the gods is now received by a number of people of Earth. We have started to 
plant our seeds of truth and as the seeds are growing, the people start wondering about their existence and purpose on Earth. When you are part of the illusion you cannot be happy or fulfilled. Therefore you are kept busy, fighting imaginary problems, needs, and going against your purpose. When one goes against his purpose it is like reaching a dead end. For your growth you have to follow one path and if you try to divert you are lost.
Truth and growth are connected to your path and you can only reach them if you follow your path. People who start to awake have many questions; they have an immense desire for learning and searching for truth. You may be attracted to different teachers, books and other sources of information. But I have to warn you that this can also be a diversion from your true goal which is your purpose.

The gods do not want to control your life. We do not want you to rely on us and accept our gifts passively. Our light will heal your blindness and wake you up to Earth’s true state but then it will be your task to go through a transformation and accept growth as a natural process. We share our light with all beings, this is our duty. But the process of growth depends on their efforts and understanding of the natural and cosmic laws. You have been created to produce and transmit light and you do this when you are connected to your true-self.

The search for high knowledge is another diversion from your true goal which is yourself and your growth. You growth is related to the way you experience life and your ability to create. If you are looking for inspiration you have again to look at yourself. It should be very interesting to study everything that you are and what you can be when you are free. You should have great desire to know your tools and qualities and how you can use them to fulfil your purpose and support others. The most precious hidden truth is your true- self. When you master this then the light of the cosmos will reach you in great abundance and you will become enlightened. It is the light of the gods that will bring the new golden era on Earth.

Saturday, 14 December 2019

Wisdom of Thoth: How can I experience my path?

People on Earth find it hard to clearly see their path and follow it. The true path is exists in them from the beginning of their reincarnation. When you have clarity and you are able to avoid all distractions and diversions you will be able the one follow the path that its starting point is at the core of your being. 

Some people may ask: if my path is already created how can I be a creator of my life? When you accept your path and you leave your space of confusion, you are creating a life of truth and growth. You are able to see the countless opportunities to help you fulfil your purpose and you make them your stepping stones to an effortless life. You are using your gifts, you develop your unique abilities in order to share your light, connect to Earth and support other people's growth. You see yourself as a part of a fast and powerful energy field were you constantly receive and transmit light. You are being that is fully supported and you support all life. This is what you will experience when you follow your path. 

If you are somebody who is currently looking at the crossroads not knowing what path to take, you should not follow other people's path thinking that this way you escape the inferiority, coming to a superior position. Do not follow people or paths that promise you illusion in a enlightenment package. You can only grow if you connect to the path that already exists in you and allow it to unfold. Your first experience will be to remain in a state of peace and start a process of purification leading to growth.

Friday, 6 December 2019

Wisdom of Astaroth: Winter solstice

W I S D O M  O F   A S T A R O T H
Winter solstice

Many people on Earth are gathered to celebrate something that has lost its meaning and purpose. Instead they rely on consumerism which is part of the illusion, to give some meaning to their festivities. 

This is an important time for the Earth's cycle and this was known by many old religions. Many religions use this day to attract people's attention, open them up to their influence and control. It is indeed an important day because Earth is going through a transformation. It is a period of high energies able to give life, bring growth and rebirth.

A way to explain this is by comparing it with the death of a human being and the beginning of a new life cycle. For human beings and for Earth this is a great point of transformation. All imbalances are resolved, being part of the preparation for the creation of a new state, a new birth. You should celebrate that day by connecting to Earth and experience her transformation. Do not waist your energy dealing, with consumerism and over indulging the senses. You should take your family and friends outdoors to connect to Earth and your festivity should be opening up to Earth's transformation. This will bring you healing and growth. There are many beings on Earth who do not understand illusion is and how to disconnect form it. Look at yourself at this time; what is the purpose of your actions; what are you trying to achieve and how can this connect to your growth? If your actions do not bring you growth then they lead you supporting illusion and a life away from your true-self.

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Powerful Guidance Course

Have you ever observed yourselves? Were you able to see the depth of your being and your true path that was created for you in the beginning of your reincarnation? Were you able to observe your imbalances, patterns, limitation, fears, unique gifts, truth and light in your being? Are you looking for your path and purpose? What are the ways to purify yourself and restore balance into your being?
People find it very hard to escape the patterns of distortion which are created by beliefs, dogma and other forms of mind manipulation. The way we understand growth is by knowing our true purpose, allowing ourselves to act and think according to our purpose, becoming the ground where divine seeds grow and becoming a creator of our own true path as well as assisting others to follow their paths.
We have created our Powerful Guidance Course to help you experience a deep purification process to help you heal, see your path and experience a life of perfection, being in constant growth and peace. 
The world is calling for you to step in and show up with the great gifts that have been lying dormant within you. Experiencing growth as a whole being will help you understand that your purpose is your great power that lies within you and affects all aspects of your life.

Our Powerful Guidance Course will open doors for you to experience:
  • Observing your whole being - becoming your whole being
  • Creating a space of peace - connecting to the core of your being
  • Observing your imbalances and patterns that block your growth
  • Self-healing
  • Experiencing your unique abilities and how they can guide you to your path
  • Connect to Earth and the cosmos and start your path of growth
  • Well-being and self-love

Our Powerful Guidance Course was created with purity, love and inner knowing. We are dedicated to support your growth so you can become the creator of your life; a life of bliss and constant transformation. 

We have created ten hours of video teachings, meditations and instruction to help you start your transformation. You will be given a course book, weekly assessments and tutoring. 


Week 1 - What form of distortion is blocking your growth?

Week 2 - Assessment: Observe distortion around you and in you. Start your daily practice: breathing exercises, meditation techniques

Week 3 - Experience your whole being

Week 4 - Assessment: Observe your whole being  

Week 5 - Connecting to the cosmic light, creating a space of peace

Week 6 - Assessment: What goes against you, maintaining inner-peace? 

Week 7 - Meditation practice: Dive into your being and create a space of peace

Week 8 - Experience the core of your being

Week 9 - Meditation practice: Connect the core of your being to the core of the Earth

Week 10 - Start your purification process

Week 11 - Assessment: Observe your mind and the patterns of distortion

Week 12 - Meditation practice: Observe patterns of distortion, fear and limitation

Week 13 - Meditation practice: Release distortion and focus on Growth

Week 14 - Meditation practice: Focus on Growth and experience your unique abilities

For more information contact us:

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Wisdom of Thoth: Awake and expand your purity

We exist to fulfil our purpose and this is how we all grow. Connecting to our true-self will help us understand our purpose and our tools. It is important that you safeguard your truth and do not let others to pull you into the illusion with their criticism and negativity. Let your light guide you and others; enjoy a balanced life unknown to many and bring this gift to others.

My messengers on Earth were chosen by the gods. When this was communicated to them they instantly opened themselves to it and allowed us to guide them and show them their path. They did not resist, they were not afraid or suspicious; they accepted the duty given to them gracefully. Through them I am now able to connect to Earth and her creation. I am able to observe life on the planet and try to understand why the people of Earth are disconnected from the grace of the golden era. Through my messengers I am able to communicate and pass my light to you. My light goes through them, as purity expands pushing away distortion and illusion. Now I am standing closer to Earth and my light wants to go to every one of you. You are all chosen so let my light go through you. It is not me who does not want to reach and meet you; it is you who are not able to recognise truth in you. I am present and my voice is loud and clear. If you have not heard it already it means that distortion has taken over you.

The people, who are awake, have to fight to help humanity wake up. It is a challenge but it is also a duty. When you are awake and able to listen to my words clearly, you will be given the great task: fighting the planet’s big sleep. You can do this by believing and trusting your own light, rediscovering your tools and working with them fearlessly. Truth is a clear path without obstacles and limitations. When you walk on this path you are empowered because you have connected to your true-self and you have understood what your duty is. All of you who are awake should have no fear because you are connected not only to me but to the whole cosmic creation. Your duty is your greatest passion.

You exist to fulfil your duty and this is how we all evolve. Don’t be afraid to experience life as your true-self. Do not try to convince everybody with words and statements but you can convince all people with your light. It is important that you safeguard your truth; do not let others pull you into the illusion with their criticism and negativity. Arguing can only create strong polarities and wider schisms. Let your light guide you and others; enjoy a balanced life unknown to many. The light that I am sharing with you is pure and is sent to awake and expand your purity.