Wednesday 13 November 2019

Wisdom of Thoth: Honesty and purity

In this teaching, Thoth shows us the way to connect to our true-self by striping all exterior of artificiality and connecting to our true- selves with honesty and compassion. When you are able to perform an act of kindness or wisdom, you will receive the fruit of this act. With every act of compassion you open yourself to cosmic light and you allow it to flow through others and create enlightenment.

If you think that you are lost, you will probably try to search for clues to help you find your way. Do not waste your time looking away from you but try to connect to yourself with honesty and compassion. If people are focussing on unwrapping themselves from all external artificiality then they will instantly walk the path of truth and wisdom and inspire others to do the same.

Ask yourself: what do you want to receive and what do you want to give in this life time? Most people are going to follow the social expectations and they will answer: “I want to have money”, “I want to have power” and “I want to have attention from other people”. Others who call themselves spiritual they will have a similar reaction: “I want to be a master”, “I want to have power”, “I want to have money”, “I want to have followers who believe in my every word”. A truly enlightened being will answer with honesty and purity. An enlightened person is going to think of the one thing that can give and receive: I can connect to my friend who needs me and I can give this person my full attention and what I want to receive is the happiness and warmth that he/she can give me in return.

You give and receive an act of kindness or wisdom to the people or situations close to you; what you are looking to receive is the fruit of this act. Then you need to ask yourself how can I become more useful to others and create bonds of compassion and enlightenment? What tools do I have and how can I use them effectively? When you answer the questions above, never exaggerate or underestimate yourself or the circumstances. You should stop criticising and passing the blame to others when you can learn from everybody. People will not connect to the true-self, understand their purpose or become enlightened if they don’t experience life as pure and compassionate beings. All these people who are obsessed to be on the top of the social pyramid of success they will be very disappointed to find out that their quest is an illusion.

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