We can all escape our current state and enjoy a balanced life if we connect to Earth and the natural laws. For this to happen we have to disconnect from all forms of illusion.
I am Thoth, the high creator god who exists in the Pleroma. I am in constant transformation and this allows me to receive the high light of the creator and bring life to the cosmos. This is my divine purpose. My connection to other beings or energetic fields is related to my ability to bring life.
My creation is vast and my work is very intricate and often indescribable to beings from other realms. All beings receive a certain amount of energy and this is related to their state of growth and their purpose. Energy is information. Truth is pure energy and people on Earth need to become familiar with truth in their minds and in everyday lives.
It is interesting that people on Earth do not understand the workings of the universe. They believe that they can become gods and have access to the energies that surrounds gods. I will call this ignorance. I will also say that people on Earth try to escape their fragmentation and lack of balance and truth by fantasising themselves as something superhuman, alien or in this case a god. I am not surprised about this; it is a sign of deep fragmentation and illusion.
My energy cannot be seen in one of your books, historical information or any other written record. My energy can be seen in nature and the natural laws that help Earth to stay alive and carry on with her creative tasks. I am not a story, a character or a builder of man-made temples and ancient cities on Earth. I am the life bringer instructed by our source to maintain life. I want to communicate with you and this is my teaching and a pure source of wisdom.
I am here with you now because of my bond with Earth and my responsibility for her well-being and growth. I am not here to impress humans with the knowledge that I can share because this will only feed their ego and their illusionary state. I am here to wake them up from their deep sleep, show them truth and what they can do to reach truth.
Reaching truth is a very simple process but it can be challenging for people who are fragmented and rely on fantasy to ease their pain from imbalances and distortion. I bring good news to all those that have ears to listen to my word. You can all escape your current state; you can all enjoy a balanced life; you can all connect to Earth and the natural laws. You can purify yourselves and transform to your true-self. The only thing you have to do is to disconnect from the collective illusion but also from your personal illusion.
How do we disconnect from illusion?