Sunday 17 November 2019

Wisdom of Thoth: A space of restriction.

There is an increasing number of human beings on Earth that exist to work: they wake up to go to work; they dress and have a certain appearance suitable to their work environment; they talk with people about work; they plan their lives supporting work restrictions and limitations. If you ask people why do they do this, they will say because I need the money and the financial security. 

You have to go deep into your being and connect to your true-self. This way you will observe that you are restricting your light and forcing yourself to life in a box when all the riches of the Earth and the cosmos are available to you a job that restricts your growth is going to take all your time and energy, it will take you away from your true abilities and your path and will disconnect you from your natural ability to create your own life according to your divine plan. 

When human beings are restricted they can be easily manipulated to live in a fearful state, looking forward to illusionary rewards. When you are able to create your own life and this is your main focus then you will not be tired of it, you will not need a break or weekend away. Growth is a constant flow that will be experienced by your being and transmitted to your creation. You can never be tired receiving precious gifts and this is a life that you can have when you disconnect from your space of restriction.

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