Sunday 7 July 2024

Our purpose to support humanity by Robbert-jan Rozenkruis

Barbara and I have learned and experienced so much about life in all planes and cosmic creation during our connection with the light. Our purpose is to support humanity enter this new phase of growth with Earth and we work tirelessly for this to be achieved. We share our wisdom teachings with all of you and we support people in groups and one-to-one sessions to heal, purify and transform their lives into their pure and true state. Every day we follow our practice of meditation, self-love, intense healing and deep connection with our being and all life. We are deeply focused on this journey of wisdom shared by powerful receivers and transmitters of light. We are receiving teachings and guidance to help us heal and expand toward our true path and purpose and what we are learning and experiencing at this moment is the need for a healing modality that will bind all healing modalities, known and unknown to humans. Earth and the cosmic light are powerful healers that enable every human being to tune to its own natural healing properties and open routes for healing forces to enter the being and support its natural healing process. When people are able to experience this, they start to experience a healing journey like no other. This is an immense journey that will transform the lives of both healers and people who need healing. This advanced healing is experienced by many living beings on Earth at this moment. We have observed the high receivers and transmitters of the planet having an uninterrupted connection with their being and all the resources that can support the constant flow of healing. There is constant communication and constant exchange between the transmitters and receivers of Earth and the powerful creative forces that support life. It is time that human beings enter this advanced state of healing and create miracles. We are ready to offer a healing practice to you that has nothing to do with limited steps and directions as well as polarities that separate the healer and the receiver. In this practice, all human beings receive healing and experience the constant flow of uninterrupted growth and transformation in their being. It is a process that is constantly growing with your abilities, state of peace, joy and unity within and above. You can explore the countless tools that the being has to heal itself. You also experience that every living being is a connector on a vast energy field that allows the being to receive high light and experience its powerful healing processes. There is so much more we want to share with you! Humanity is transforming and we are all working for this to happen.

Wednesday 29 November 2023

Wisdom of Thoth: Healing, self healing and observation (New teaching)

If people wish to heal themselves they have to develop a powerful practice and this is observation. If you are wondering about observation and how it can be done it can be explained below. You disconnect from the mind, the beliefs, understanding, information, and conclusion that is entering your mind and try to create a reality that is totally detached from your body is experiencing right now. Observing your body and energy is a natural process given to all beings at the beginning of their reincarnation. Healing, self-healing and observation are part of the same process of growth and transformation. Some of you may ask how can I observe myself? First, you have to let your mind experience peace. You will be happy and content if the mind stops absorbing information from external forces and is not forced to create some illusionary reality. You experience a state of emptiness that will allow you to connect to your physical body and energy. You can focus on your breathing, you can focus on a specific organ in your body or you can allow the light of the cosmos to connect you to every cell and every energy point in your being. You can experience the communication between different organs that is supported by the life flow. You can experience your blood circulation, your nervous system and how they are connected to Earth's growth processes. You can experience your energy field supporting your whole physical body with all its growth systems following the Earth's flow. If you are suffering from a disease you should know that the root of this disease was created a very long time ago and it may not be related to physical dysfunction. It may be trauma, separation, intense abuse and suppression or just absorbing intense fear or negativity from your environment. People have the opportunity to correct and heal themselves. Being able to observe the creation of a root of an imbalance you can start your healing process and remove it before it becomes a complex and powerful structure. Nourishing your body, connecting to Earth, receiving the light and being in a constant state of joy and fulfilment will support you to eliminate disease.

Friday 3 November 2023

Wisdom of Thoth: No need for social structures and reward systems (New teaching from the upcoming book:" Wisdom of Thoth-teachings for the new era")

Human beings see themselves as a separate entity on Earth. They believe that at birth, they are weak and vulnerable. They see themselves as naked from true attributes, personality traits, qualities, gifts and abilities. People believe that despite the weakness and limitations experienced at birth, they will have many opportunities to grow because of the social, economic and cultural structures, the pyramid reward system, their patterns, beliefs and realities that shape their everyday experience. Human beings are genius species having invented technology, science, and art that are constantly changing the landscape of human experience. Some may conclude that the human mind is superior to the mind of other species on the planet and Earth's creation can be understood as a pyramid structure where all life is divided. The illusion of superiority has been a major limitation for human beings. The belief that living beings are vulnerable at birth and are only able to grow with the support of social structures is another diversion from their true path. Human beings will never be powerful, happy and fulfilled relying on structures of manipulation, limitation and confusion. True power is experienced by all beings when they are in a pure state. All living beings that reincarnate on Earth, carry the light of the Source and this light is planted on Earth. They are powerful light bringers that support the planet's growth and transformation. Their power is so immense that they can create bridges between the cosmos and Earth and support the cosmic light, the intention of the source, to create on the planet. When living beings reincarnate on Earth are able to experience the cosmic laws and the perfection of the cosmic creation existing in their being and spreading to reach all life. When people experience their pure state do not need social structures and reward systems to make them powerful and happy. They are powerful and fulfilled when they experience life as cosmic creation as well as cosmic creator.

Wednesday 13 September 2023

Wisdom of Thoth: Powerful Healing (New Teaching)

Schisms within a being can be understood as broken or blocked routes that were created for inner communication between all physical parts, energy points, energies, light and life force moving through the being supporting the growth and transformation processes that are vital for human beings to prolong their life on Earth and fulfill their purpose. These routes are a vital part of a being of a being's existence and were created at the very beginning of its reincarnation as physicality and energy start to form and co-exist with the light. The human being's physical body cannot exist if energy does not support the life flow. The energy field has the ability to expand, connect to powerful energies that exist on Earth and bring these energies through the chakras and energy points to the physical body for transformation and growth to take place. The chakras are powerful routes that are linked to the being's gifts and abilities to support all cosmic laws empower a being, and support deep connection and communication with Earth and the cosmic creative forces. Transformation and growth are processes that happen constantly in a being when the routes within a being are open and bring an uninterrupted flow of nourishment, communication, the function and development of gifts, qualities and additional processes that support life flow. In addition, growth and transformation deepen and expand these routes, creating open spaces for the cosmic light to enter and create within the being. All this will support well-being, bring clarity and initiate a powerful healing process.

Thursday 10 August 2023

Wisdom of Thoth: The illusion of survival (new teaching)

Human beings are currently experiencing many artificial crises that push them deeper into the illusion of survival. Survival is an illusory state and can be experienced in different ways by different human beings on Earth. There are people who experience survival as a result of trauma. They may be experiencing patterns of deep anxiety, confusion, limitation and fear that are blocking them from following their true path and purpose. For others survival is a life of hardships, overcoming countless obstacles; experiencing lack; forcing themselves to satisfy artificial needs going through multiple diversions or struggling to find meaning or joy in their lives. Other people experience survival as a result of global events such as financial crises, climate changes or environmental catastrophes, disease pandemics, wars, human rights and political issues. There are also people that experience survival because of conditioning, ancestral patterns, family discord, toxic relationships, and feeling unloved, lonely, misunderstood and unappreciated. When human beings experience survival they are not able to connect to their true path. Therefore they are not experiencing the true potential of this lifetime, their true power of growth within, a gift given to them at the beginning of their reincarnation. When human beings can not see the opportunities and the support available to them to help them grow and heal they have not found the way out of the maze of survival. The behaviour patterns of people that exist in a survival state can vary from total numbness and lack of direction to ego-driven human beings who will often use destructive ways to feel powerful and to be accepted as an authority by their community. These behaviour patterns are a form of programming that supports the illusionary reality of survival and was created by groups of people and organizations that want to control humanity and keep them in a low vibrational state. When human beings accept that survival is an illusion and peace is a natural state that will guide them to their true path, they will be able to remove all limitations and make manipulation systems impossible to penetrate their being. This is when humanity will experience unity and grow to fulfil their purpose. __________________________________________ Done by communication between Thoth & the messengers of Pantheon of Aeternam.

Wednesday 31 May 2023

Wisdom of Thoth: Teaching about alien species supporting humanity

We can all agree that the physical plane enjoys a vastness of billions of planets, galaxies and star systems. All planets have the ability to support and create life forms that can exist on the surface and the inner parts. All living beings that exist in the physical plane have reincarnated there. They experience a birth process, a lifetime related to the growth of the planet and the end of a lifetime following the transition to the astral plane. All living beings on all planets have a path and a purpose which are connected to the collective growth that is experienced on the planet. Some people believe that non-Earth beings are more advanced in the way they understand their truth, they have great civilizations and technology. The truth is that all life forms have a unique experience of learning and growth wherever they reincarnate. There are also people who believe that beings from other planets are very concerned about Earth and want to support humanity to ascend. This is another illusion. All light beings that reincarnate, are prepared to create bonds with their planet and support its growth by experiencing the perfection of their being. They are all called to share their light with the planet and have a full experience of its physicality, energy and life purpose. Human beings on Earth have to stop focussing on this belief of alien messiahs saving Earth. When you do this, you give your power away to an illusionary perception and you help it grow. Focus on creating strong bonds within your being and all life on the planet. This is your purpose.

Monday 23 January 2023

Wisdom of Thoth:The astral plane and the pleroma of the Gods

We are happy to announce that our fourth and new book will be available for sale in February. We are very proud to present this book to you as it is the most powerful and truthful account of cosmic creation and guides humanity to experience their birthplace, the astral plane. This book will teach you about the creation of the divine and cosmic light created by the intention of the source and their unique purpose to create a vast multi-organism, the astral plane, and support its purpose to constantly grow and transform. The cosmic wisdom that is shared in this book will reconnect you to your astral body and the great cosmic powers that have created it. If you are aware of your whole being including your astral body, your higher self and your creation code then you can experience life in different realms and you can bring high wisdom to your third-dimensional reality. The purpose of all human beings is to connect to the cosmos, experience high growth and transmit cosmic light to Earth and her creation. The astral plane is the energy space where all life is created. It is a complex electromagnetic field and its energy occupies the greatest part of cosmic creation. It is an enormous, multidimensional energy space of transformation whose starting point is its core. The astral core and the cosmic light are part of the source’s being, they exist and grow in unity. The law of unity is a fundamental truth that supports the design of all living beings so the microcosm can continue to grow and transform and the macrocosm can constantly expand in a limitless pool of opportunities that can be transferred to all living beings and all life. The expansion of the astral core created the astral plane with its many sub-planes of various energetic structures. Unity and growth are two powerful cosmic laws that work together for life to continue to flow in the astral plane. The growth and transformation of light depend on its ability to connect to energy points and maintain life in them as well as support the creation of new life and the expansion of the astral plane. Creating unique astral beings that have wonderful abilities to grow, receive the light and exist in unity with all creation, supports the creative abilities of the light to become a powerful creator. In this book, you will read about the creation of cosmic and divine light and what was their purpose in the creation of the astral plane. The unity of the divine and cosmic light supported the bond between the source and its cosmic creation and this is how life was maintained and grew in the astral plane. The cosmic light is a pure and powerful cosmic force that creates life in all planes and the divine light is a tool of precision that supports cosmic laws, transformations, movement, growth and connection between all beings and planes. Astral beings are created by cosmic light and divine light and are part of energy fields that support the expansion of the astral plane and the creation of sub-planes. The purpose of their existence is to support the flow of energy in the astral plane and the creation of growth opportunities for all living beings. Astral beings can achieve this by following cosmic laws and experiencing life as powerful receivers and transmitters of light. In this book you will read about Earth’s connection with the astral plane, reincarnation, transition to the astral plane after the end of a life cycle on Earth and how human beings stay connected to their astral body and experience astral growth as Earth’s multidimensional beings. The invaluable cosmic wisdom that is offered in this book includes teachings communicated to the messengers of the Pantheon of Aeternam, Barbara, and Robbert-jan Rozenkruis by the Light of Thoth. They have been instructed by Thoth to receive these unique teachings and make them available to everyone who is an open channel and wants to connect to truth and cosmic wisdom. There is no secret knowledge to be kept for the selected few. All wisdom is revealed to all who are interested in becoming truth. They do not teach dogma, philosophy, or other man-made theories. They teach ageless wisdom and cosmic truth is given to us by the HighGods of the pleroma.