Friday 28 May 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: The mystery of Birth

--------------------------------- All beings in all planes consist of their creation code. This part of their being is the highest part energetically and is connected to the light of our source. The creation code consists of all expected growth and evolution that one may have. Everything that you are and going to become when you transform is recorded in your creation code including reincarnations. Before you reincarnate you exist in the astral plane. At the right moment, according to your creation code, you are going to be chosen to reincarnate or to exist in a certain plane. The astral being becomes aware of the reincarnation, its purpose and a general life plan. Then it goes through preparation in order to join the body that is created in the womb. The unity between the female and the male parts can not produce a child if the energy of the astral being is not able to enter the unity of the male seed and the female egg. The physical body grows like a plant coming out of a seed; this is a natural process and is related to Earth’s way to create. For Earth, the birth of a plant, an animal or a human being follows the same process of creation. The physical body that grows in the womb attracts the light of the astral being and tries to help the energy find its way and connect to the physical body that starts to form. This is the true mystery of birth and is a complex process depending on many different factors. The parents are also involved in this divine unity and there is a great transformation taking place that affects everybody's growth. Often the energy of the astral being is supported by guides who are able to connect to the physical body and prepare the unity that is about to take place. If the astral being is not able to connect to the physical body then the fetus dies either before the birth or straight after. This is a brief explanation of the birth of a human being. (Extract from the book "Fountain Source of High Wisdom-Sacred Book of Thoth")

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