Monday, 23 January 2023

Wisdom of Thoth:The astral plane and the pleroma of the Gods

We are happy to announce that our fourth and new book will be available for sale in February. We are very proud to present this book to you as it is the most powerful and truthful account of cosmic creation and guides humanity to experience their birthplace, the astral plane. This book will teach you about the creation of the divine and cosmic light created by the intention of the source and their unique purpose to create a vast multi-organism, the astral plane, and support its purpose to constantly grow and transform. The cosmic wisdom that is shared in this book will reconnect you to your astral body and the great cosmic powers that have created it. If you are aware of your whole being including your astral body, your higher self and your creation code then you can experience life in different realms and you can bring high wisdom to your third-dimensional reality. The purpose of all human beings is to connect to the cosmos, experience high growth and transmit cosmic light to Earth and her creation. The astral plane is the energy space where all life is created. It is a complex electromagnetic field and its energy occupies the greatest part of cosmic creation. It is an enormous, multidimensional energy space of transformation whose starting point is its core. The astral core and the cosmic light are part of the source’s being, they exist and grow in unity. The law of unity is a fundamental truth that supports the design of all living beings so the microcosm can continue to grow and transform and the macrocosm can constantly expand in a limitless pool of opportunities that can be transferred to all living beings and all life. The expansion of the astral core created the astral plane with its many sub-planes of various energetic structures. Unity and growth are two powerful cosmic laws that work together for life to continue to flow in the astral plane. The growth and transformation of light depend on its ability to connect to energy points and maintain life in them as well as support the creation of new life and the expansion of the astral plane. Creating unique astral beings that have wonderful abilities to grow, receive the light and exist in unity with all creation, supports the creative abilities of the light to become a powerful creator. In this book, you will read about the creation of cosmic and divine light and what was their purpose in the creation of the astral plane. The unity of the divine and cosmic light supported the bond between the source and its cosmic creation and this is how life was maintained and grew in the astral plane. The cosmic light is a pure and powerful cosmic force that creates life in all planes and the divine light is a tool of precision that supports cosmic laws, transformations, movement, growth and connection between all beings and planes. Astral beings are created by cosmic light and divine light and are part of energy fields that support the expansion of the astral plane and the creation of sub-planes. The purpose of their existence is to support the flow of energy in the astral plane and the creation of growth opportunities for all living beings. Astral beings can achieve this by following cosmic laws and experiencing life as powerful receivers and transmitters of light. In this book you will read about Earth’s connection with the astral plane, reincarnation, transition to the astral plane after the end of a life cycle on Earth and how human beings stay connected to their astral body and experience astral growth as Earth’s multidimensional beings. The invaluable cosmic wisdom that is offered in this book includes teachings communicated to the messengers of the Pantheon of Aeternam, Barbara, and Robbert-jan Rozenkruis by the Light of Thoth. They have been instructed by Thoth to receive these unique teachings and make them available to everyone who is an open channel and wants to connect to truth and cosmic wisdom. There is no secret knowledge to be kept for the selected few. All wisdom is revealed to all who are interested in becoming truth. They do not teach dogma, philosophy, or other man-made theories. They teach ageless wisdom and cosmic truth is given to us by the HighGods of the pleroma.

Saturday, 21 January 2023

Wisdom of Thoth:The civilizations of high growth (new teaching )

People are wondering about ancient civilizations and they also want to know if the current human civilizations are reaching a high peak of growth. You already know that Earth experienced high growth during the golden era. At that time, Earth was fully connected to her astral body, she was able to receive and transmit light to all parts of her being and every part of her physical body was connected to the core and received high energies. Earth did not experience schisms, impurities, or fragmentation and the light from the core of her being  travelled through all different layers and reached the surface that was also fully connected to the core.  When astral visitors came to Earth they affected the balance and growth processes of the golden era. Earth had to protect the powerful beings that she created so she allowed them to move to the inner parts. The planetary invaders remained on the surface of the Earth and did not have access to the inner parts. The separation between the surface and the inner parts created the first schisms and limitations experienced by the planet.  Some invaders decided to leave the planet and others remained on Earth guided by their intention to connect to the inner parts and the core and support the coming of a new golden era. The beings that stayed on Earth dedicated their lives to purification and building bridges and communication with Earth. This supported the growth and creation on the surface. The civilizations of high growth that supported creation on the surface of the Earth allowed their members to have a lifestyle, expression and creation related to their connection with the high light of the planet.  These ancient civilizations knew that Earth is a powerful creator and in the inner parts, there are precious resources that can support beings to have a powerful and eternal life. By receiving the high energies of Earth they were becoming creators, supporting a new face of growth on the surface of the Earth. These civilizations were scattered in different locations on the surface of the planet and were able to tune and communicate with each other energetically.  Many of you were taught that the civilization of Atlantis was a high point regarding humanity's achievements. This was the time when human civilizations disconnected from Earth and they saw themselves as the rulers and manipulators of the planet. They thought that they could create themselves the resources that exist in the inner parts and do not need to connect to her energies to support everlasting growth and eternal life. When human beings disconnected from Earth they created societies that had a pyramid structure. They created great separation between human beings and the ones that were placed in the lower parts of the pyramid should obey and work for the ones at the top. Your current civilizations have the same structure. You believe in authority and follow the reality that they create for you. You have disconnected from Earth and you are experiencing suffering and separation from your own path and purpose. Your civilizations are not experiencing growth, and are not bringing the golden era on Earth(Done by communication between Thoth & the messengers of Pantheon of Aeternam).