Most human beings are fragmented and distorted and live a artificial illusionary life of nothingness without purpose or meaning. Especially the ones of the western civilisations. The most important part of a being's growth is raising the vibration. All life forms from the lower to the higher have one and only intention, to raise their vibration and reunite with the source. Beings who can't connect to the source can not evolve. Do you know the reason why human beings can not communicate with their astral body and be part of the growth in the astral pane? It is because their vibration is low. This is why they can't receive the cosmic light, connect to the cosmos and continue to grow and evolve. Your astral body is aware of your purpose and growth cycles; cosmic truth and wisdom goes through the astral body in the form of energy and this is why it is in a process of constant purification and transformation. Unity and growth shape the astral existence of all beings. Life on Earth is fragmented and offers limited growth. Beings are either asleep or confused and their existence is very problematic.
The time has come that people on Earth have to wake up and connect to their astral body. This connection is necessary in order to unblock the path of light which will allow growth on the physical plane. If Earth did not suffer from fragmentation and distortion, human beings will naturally be able to connect to their astral body and experience part of the growth that takes place there. It is a great challenge to unblock yourself from distortion and return back to your natural state but it is not an impossible task. You have to let go of everything that is artificial and does not lead to growth. When you achieve that and you are purified you will feel great power and clarity. The light of the cosmos will enter your physical body and will transform you to your true self who is a majestic being. When this happens you have no pain, anxiety, fear and insecurity. You belong to the cosmos and you are part of our source. Accepting your body as a tool to connect you to wisdom is one of the fundamental cosmic laws. It is natural that you will grow when you follow your true path . And when you grow your vibration rises. By connecting to your astral body, connecting to your true-self, connecting to the light of the cosmos, purifying yourself from all negativity, imbalances, connecting to truth and wisdom.
It is easy for people to endlessly wonder in cycles, having the illusion that they are in motion but in reality they are back at the very start. In ancient times people had a true connection with the earth's energies and the stars. Cosmic truths were known to all people. Currently you are trapped in a low vibration because of the high level of distortion.The rulers of your planet try to convince you that you have choices, that you are free and you can be healed. Different spiritual teachers have been promoted and were trusted by the public to create miracles. There are many theories, colourful terms, different practises and different outcomes that motivate people to trust their spiritual teachers. They say that spending time with them is euphoric and leads them to enlightenment. But we often notice that teachers and students have their weak and dark paths. So what has happened to enlightenment? If enlightenment is guarantied why is the earth still suffering? How can you heal somebody if both teacher and student exist on earth's low vibration? Why enlightenment has the form of a money transaction between the teacher and the student and why is it not available to all including the planet?
When westerners study the ancient teachings have to overcome many obstacles. One of them is the interpretation and translation of these texts; the understanding of culture and tradition and last they have to connect to this knowledge and understand its meaning. Every sacred teaching has a message that leads to growth. You can grow when you are actively following your purpose and have clarity. A confused being with no purpose, lost in the illusion of the materialistic world is not going to connect to sacred wisdom. Truth is alien to those who support illusion and sadly the majority of people are trapped in it, especially the ones who live in developed countries.
People on earth are very confused. One of the main reasons for this is their fragmentation. They want to know their purpose but they live their lives according to people's expectations and demands. This is a schism which brings confusion and uncertainty. If you are able to block everything that is not your true-self and distance yourself from the ideals of others, then you will instantly know what your purpose is and you will follow your purpose because it is the only truth. Truth feeds you because it is the light that has created you. When you know your truth you will never go back to illusion; you will never have questions and you will live in harmony with everything that exists. You have reincarnated to prove that even in the deepest fog you can find your way. This is your challenge. All dogmas, beliefs, social ideals and human-made theories about existence should be discarded as poisonous substances. When you accept illusion you accept destruction; even if you are not aware of the destruction and distortion you are still responsible for your own actions.
Thoth teaches us:
That all different spiritual movements have something in common and this is sensationalism. Their core teachings are built on a fantastic concept which is vaguely proven to work. This is a symptom of distortion on Earth.
That all different spiritual movements have something in common and this is sensationalism. Their core teachings are built on a fantastic concept which is vaguely proven to work. This is a symptom of distortion on Earth.
Astaroth teaches us:
That it is important that you discover your true purpose and have a good understanding of how to use your tools and special gifts. When you have disconnected from the illusion and you are able to see yourself naked and pure then you will instantly see your purpose and you will have instant access to all cosmic truths because it is your right. Gods and masters do not wish to hide cosmic wisdom from humans or to deny them the empowerment of the high vibrational state. On the contrary gods wish all humans to reach this point. The gods want humanity to wake up in order to assist the planet to wake up too. Earth and her creation suffer from the same disease and this is a schism of the true-self and the growth of illusion. When you awake to the truth you will be restored to your true-selves.
Robbert-jan Rozenkruis
The symptoms of distortion
My words should find a place in the hearts of all human beings, who try desperately to become enlightened. There is great faith in people’s hearts when they are connected to the gods and wish to be free from the burden that they experience on Earth. They are aware that their physicality is not the only way to experience truth and they try to disconnect from the body and connect to the spirit. They have been many different teachers who have misinterpreted ancient wisdom by giving it a modern make-over. These teachers took part in the distortion of truth and filled people with promises that never became reality.
All different spiritual movements have something in common and this is sensationalism. There is always a fantastic idea which is vaguely proven to work and all people will believe it, try it, talk about it and then somehow it fades away to be replaced by another idea. This phenomenon is not happening by accident. It is a symptom of distortion on Earth. Due to distortion, nothing really grows and develops and this is why there is not result. Healing that takes place on Earth will not heal the dead.
I want people to wake up to the truth and realise that their world is a fantasy. Their power is taken away and ability to communicate with the divine is weak being confused with new spirituality and relevant philosophies and practises. There is a simple way to be enlightened and this means that you will be able to receive your first lesson in cosmic truth when you are true to yourself. It seems like a simple task but for many people on Earth is one of the greatest challenges.
Open your eyes and see that everything around you is false, artificial, distorted and has no true purpose. Some people may think that they have no choice but to accept illusion in order to survive. I say that you are all free and you can decide for your own lives. Do not give your power away because if you do you also give away your purpose. I want to see the people of Earth naked without the old garments, standing as true beings to receive the grace and follow their path. These are the beings that will connect to the gods and reach the Pleroma.
Done by communication between High creator God Thoth, Barbara & Robbert-jan Rozenkruis.
Schism of the true-self
This author has the ability to communicate, exchange energy between her and the gods and allow this energy to be transformed into information.
We are the messengers of the Gods. We do not teach dogma, philosophy or other man made theory. We teach ageless wisdom and cosmic truth given to us by the High Gods Of the pleroma. And we want to inform people about the existence of gods, the different realms, the cosmic laws and all activity that is going on for the benefit of the earth and her inhabitants.
Humans remind me of a hamster in a cage. They are going round the wheel in their cage and they really think they are moving towards their true goal. They are going round and round, using a great deal of energy. When humans see the hamsters accepting the illusion that they created for them they find it funny and amusing. Humans think they are being active, trying to achieve the highest goal but in reality they are always standing on the same spot. This is what happens when you live the illusion.
There are people who are brainwashed by the society to ignore true growth. There are also people who call themselves open-minded, intellectual, spiritual and truth-seekers who behave like the hamster, moving in cycles. There are so many layers of illusion in human understanding that it seems impossible for people to ever meet their true selves. There are people who openly say that they want to be enlightened or they even call themselves gods. How can you be enlightened when you don't even know the true meaning of this word you are using so freely? How can you be a god when you have no idea about the cosmic hierarchy and the purpose of gods in the creation? Human beings often remind me of children dressing up as heroes and princesses. They do not invest on acting like their favorite characters but they prefer to create the looks and this is enough for them.Humans when are you going to stop creating the look, in other words stop feeding the illusion and look at your true-self and true potential which is unique and immensely powerful. This should be your guide and your closest companion. My unique wisdom is the sword and the fire of the battle.
Our purpose is related to the elements of the planet that we are inhabited. If your true purpose is related to Earth you are a force of stability and balance between the elements and the planet. You are going to help Earth recognise her true potential and support her children as well as being open to the guidance of the gods. If you are connected to the water element you are the light that comes from the sky and reaches all Earth beings in order to end distortion and rise the vibration of the planet. If you are connected to the fire element you are the creators brought to Earth by the gods to create on the planet and assist Earth. The beings who connect with the wind element are the ones who safeguard the space between Earth and the other planets.
It is important that you discover your true purpose and have a good understanding of how to use your tools and special gifts. When you have disconnected from the illusion and you are able to see yourself naked and pure then you will instantly see your purpose and you will have instant access to all cosmic truths because it is your right. Gods and masters do not wish to hide cosmic wisdom from humans or to deny them the empowerment of the high vibrational state. On the contrary we wish all humans to reach this point. We want humanity to wake up in order to assist the planet to wake up too. Earth and her creation suffer from the same disease and this is a schism of the true-self and the growth of illusion. When you awake to the truth you will be restored to your true-selves.
Done by communication between High Goddess Astaroth, Barbara & Robbert-jan Rozenkruis.Our purpose is related to the elements of the planet that we are inhabited. If your true purpose is related to Earth you are a force of stability and balance between the elements and the planet. You are going to help Earth recognise her true potential and support her children as well as being open to the guidance of the gods. If you are connected to the water element you are the light that comes from the sky and reaches all Earth beings in order to end distortion and rise the vibration of the planet. If you are connected to the fire element you are the creators brought to Earth by the gods to create on the planet and assist Earth. The beings who connect with the wind element are the ones who safeguard the space between Earth and the other planets.
It is important that you discover your true purpose and have a good understanding of how to use your tools and special gifts. When you have disconnected from the illusion and you are able to see yourself naked and pure then you will instantly see your purpose and you will have instant access to all cosmic truths because it is your right. Gods and masters do not wish to hide cosmic wisdom from humans or to deny them the empowerment of the high vibrational state. On the contrary we wish all humans to reach this point. We want humanity to wake up in order to assist the planet to wake up too. Earth and her creation suffer from the same disease and this is a schism of the true-self and the growth of illusion. When you awake to the truth you will be restored to your true-selves.
This author has the ability to communicate, exchange energy between her and the gods and allow this energy to be transformed into information.
She had the gift from birth because this was going to be her contribution to the plan of divine creation.
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We are the messengers of the Gods. We do not teach dogma, philosophy or other man made theory. We teach ageless wisdom and cosmic truth given to us by the High Gods Of the pleroma. And we want to inform people about the existence of gods, the different realms, the cosmic laws and all activity that is going on for the benefit of the earth and her inhabitants.
True self-value is linked to purity, the gathering and distribution of High Light, the knowing of your essence, your tools and purpose, the fight to complete the task given to you by the High Gods and the Divine Creator and if you exist on the Earth plane you have also to be tuned to the planet and its natural laws.
All human beings are able to contribute to Earth’s energy. All human beings have the potential to acquire more light, connect to Earth’s and astral energies, experience the divine self and study mastery.
All human beings have the basic tools which can help them to see themselves as part of the divine plan and creation and apply their individual
qualities to support the divine plan.
All rights reserved-all information herein is the sole intellectual property of Pantheon of Aeternam and cannot be reproduced, copied and or displayed publicly or privately wholly or in part without the expressed written consent of Pantheon of Aeternam as expressed by international copyright laws. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
All rights reserved-all information herein is the sole intellectual property of Pantheon of Aeternam and cannot be reproduced, copied and or displayed publicly or privately wholly or in part without the expressed written consent of Pantheon of Aeternam as expressed by international copyright laws. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

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