Monday 23 September 2019

Wisdom of Thoth: Systems of Manipulation

There are human beings who want to be free and in peace. They can create this sensation momentarily when they are in a meditation state. But then they feel that they have to go back to their “reality" and re-experience this complex system of restriction and suppression which supports negativity, limitation and separation from your light and path. It seems that people accept as their true state their limitation; peace in them is only a sensation.
Some of you may ask: how can I escape this; how was this state created; what are the external forces that are supporting it? Human beings were not created to be restricted. They were created to experience the physical body and energy to guide them on their divine plan and fulfil their purpose on Earth. The purpose and divine plan were created before the creation of your physical body. The people who are able to live close to Earth and their societies follow natural and cosmic laws are least affected of the matrix of distortion on Earth. It is interesting that the over populated areas on the planet are created as the powerful basis for the creation and expansion of the matrix. So people in big cities have the illusion that they have a better life style but in reality they are deprived from basic nourishment such as clean water, air, getting your food products directly from Earth and have people who see this as part of their purpose. 
In a city you can have numerous pyramid structure organisations and communities where people are happy to pollute themselves and disconnect from their purpose in order to reach an illusionary reward. There is also another disease that people in the cities, the bases of destruction, suffer from and this is the illusion of time. Time is another restriction and creates a true separation of your whole being were transformation is endless. Another way of manipulation is the creation of an artificial consciousness. Human beings consciousness is the limitation, competitions leading to illusionary rewards, polarities, constant pollution of your being, fear and trauma as well as distorted information regarding truth and knowledge. This artificial consciousness is constantly supported by all organisations who are liked to the ruling elite. There are also individuals that want to have power and influence and they use the same methods to build on to this artificial consciousness. When people are able to see truth they are free are ready to follow their path.

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