Friday 6 December 2019

Wisdom of Astaroth: Winter solstice

W I S D O M  O F   A S T A R O T H
Winter solstice

Many people on Earth are gathered to celebrate something that has lost its meaning and purpose. Instead they rely on consumerism which is part of the illusion, to give some meaning to their festivities. 

This is an important time for the Earth's cycle and this was known by many old religions. Many religions use this day to attract people's attention, open them up to their influence and control. It is indeed an important day because Earth is going through a transformation. It is a period of high energies able to give life, bring growth and rebirth.

A way to explain this is by comparing it with the death of a human being and the beginning of a new life cycle. For human beings and for Earth this is a great point of transformation. All imbalances are resolved, being part of the preparation for the creation of a new state, a new birth. You should celebrate that day by connecting to Earth and experience her transformation. Do not waist your energy dealing, with consumerism and over indulging the senses. You should take your family and friends outdoors to connect to Earth and your festivity should be opening up to Earth's transformation. This will bring you healing and growth. There are many beings on Earth who do not understand illusion is and how to disconnect form it. Look at yourself at this time; what is the purpose of your actions; what are you trying to achieve and how can this connect to your growth? If your actions do not bring you growth then they lead you supporting illusion and a life away from your true-self.

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