Tuesday 1 June 2021

By Hank Geda

How can you connect to the cosmic light? You can achieve to connect with the cosmic light by remaining in a state of peace. This is a limitless state where you allow the being to connect with all your bodies and balance the energies. It is a state of freedom and expansion where you block the distortion from entering the mind and being. It is a state where you can purify yourself and expand towards Earth and the cosmos. What is your understanding of inner peace? This is a pure state that allows you to grow and expand. It is a way for us to purify ourselves and be free from distorted energies. It helps us to experience our path and purpose by allowing us to function energetically the way our creator intended us to. How can you create a space of peace? First, you must empty your mind from all thoughts to come to you. Then you bring your attention to your being your body. Focus on all the details of this gift of the body and explore all its functions and gifts. Become one with your being so that you may become one with Earth and the cosmos. What is your experience creating a space of peace? I feel wholeness, growth, bliss and greatness when I enter a space of peace. It is a time of happiness and great joy, being free from the illusion and distortion. I try to make this my permanent state and be a beacon of light and growth for earth, humanity and the rest of creation. It allows me to experience my whole being and be a perfect receiver and transmitter of cosmic light. What is the limitation of the mind? This is like forcing the eternal nature of your whole being into a small box with no room to grow and almost no space to breathe. It is unnatural and brings distorted energies to one's self and the environment the being exists in that experiences these phenomena. It is false but appears real and casts a veil of illusions. It is a state of fragmentation and distortion. What makes you negative? I try not to be negative but I do know and recall things that made me negative before. I used to be negative when I would dwell on how much suffering I experienced in my life. I would ask myself questions like " why would the creator put me through this?" and then I would get upset. I realized that all this behavior was more or fewer games of the low beings and illusion to trick me into a delusional, distorted and fragmented state to lower my vibration so they can feed on my energies. I also get triggered by other things sometimes but mostly I do not get this way anymore. I sometimes get upset one people around me to transmit low distorted energies to me because I feel like all the hard work I do to purify myself goes to waste but I know this is not true. What triggers negativity in you and how do you maintain peace in your being? Suffering, limitation, distortion, illusion and games of the low beings. They try to create false stories in my mind and trick me into creating a false reality. I can observe all this and I do not create the false realities of suffering anymore. I try to just focus on my being and be happy to be part of Earth's growth, healing and rebirth. I remember all the things I'm grateful for and this helps me maintain peace. What is your understanding of true happiness and fulfillment and how people can achieve it? I'd like to say that this is a state of growth and expansion. This is achieved by remaining in a peaceful state which is the only state that we can be truly happy in. As eternal energy we can enrich ourselves by achieving our goals of fulfilling our divine plan on earth and ascending in the astral plane, transcending cycles of growth and reaching to our higher self and creator. This to me brings us true happiness and fulfillment. What is your true-self and how can you connect to it? The true-self is a lower form of your astral body. It is a connection point for us on Earth to connect with our astral body. To connect with it we have to purify ourselves from all distortion, fragmentation, limitations and illusion. Returning to our pure state we can experience our whole being and all the connections to it including our true-self. Being peaceful and raising our vibration helps us achieve a state where we can connect with our true-self. What is your understanding of the following guidance: “The state of peace can be achieved by all human beings when they are able to block the distortion of the mind.” The distortion of the mind locks a being in a state that brings them limitations, fragmentation, disconnection and leads to the creation of schisms. A distorted state is an unnatural state and disconnects a being from the growth and wholeness that they can experience being their true self. It blocks you from the connections with the cosmos, earth and your whole being. Blocking the distortion of the mind will free your being and energy which brings you much peace. Are you able to observe thought patterns that take you away from your state of peace? Yes, sometimes I can get distracted by different patterns that I'm able to observe. It is all designed by the illusion to low my vibration and trick me into creating distortion. It's always having something to do with negativity and low energies which makes it easier to identify and ignore it. Can you describe your fear patterns? Fear patterns are completely illusionary as well as unnatural. It is not real and it creates distortion. It is mainly used to trick people into manipulating themselves to a distorted state and blocking their connections with true-self, earth and cosmos. Observe a moment in your life that you were forced to act in a way that was destructive to yourself or others. I used to have a drinking problem because I was trying to escape my reality. This created schisms in me and was very destructive. I stopped drinking many years ago and decided I wanted to live a happy and pure life. I discovered later that most of these distorted patterns were being transmitted to me from my environment by other people that carried these patterns which seem to be a family pattern. I was also being destructive to myself by being forced by low beings to create schisms to myself when I was young and too ignorant to understand what I was doing. Why is peace a state of expansion? This is because I return you to your natural state where you are free and being limitless. When you are not blocked, growth is a natural process for eternal energy beings. When you are able to grow this makes you expand which is natural and peace helps you achieve this. How can you dive into your being and create a space of peace? Empty your mind, purify yourself and love every aspect of your being! Instead of being trapped in the mind focus on the wholeness and growth of your being. Society teaches people to stay in the mind and that the mind is superior but then people ignore their body. The body is the greatness of our whole being manifested in a physical form. All of our talents and abilities are stored in this physical manifestation so it should not be ignored but cherished and loved! Lots of love Hank

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