Wednesday 23 June 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: All life exists in divine unity

Human beings know gods through mythology and religion. For many humans, a god has a physical as well as a light form and he or she is concerned about the lives of human beings. When human beings are not able to experience unity, they cannot see that they are part of a living god and this is Earth but they are also part of a high creator and this is the Source. The greatest illusion and suffering that humans experience is their illusionary belief that they exist separately from Earth and if Gods exist, they are only concerned about the human civilization which is superior and therefore in separation from all creation. This belief makes humans receive and transmit illusion, focus on the mind/ego, and experience a life disconnected from their purpose and path. When you connect to Earth and see how effortlessly she can create and nourish all living beings, you will know that she is a god creator following cosmic laws. Earth is connected to the cosmos, she is experiencing cosmic growth and she wants all her creation to exist in unity and create a bridge for the cosmic light to enter her energy field. The purpose of humanity is to become creators and experience their divine plan, the godly plan. When you are able to connect to Earth, connect to the cosmos, follow cosmic laws, and create effortlessly then you experience the high light of the cosmos transforming your being. Some of you may want to know about the gods of the Pleroma. You may also want to ask: can humans be gods? The gods of the pleroma exist in high light and they are able to connect to the Source and create according to the Source’s intention. A simple way to explain the Source and its connection to the gods and the rest of the creation is the following: Imagine a human being that is fully naked, this human being would want to cover himself in order to feel safe, warm, and protected. He may also want to develop some tools to help him create. Then he is going to create his home, his garden, his neighborhood, town, or country. The intention of this being is the light of the Source; the clothes and tools are the gods of the pleroma; his home and garden are the high planes where gods exist and everything else is the rest of the creation. The light of the Source is guiding the gods to create. This light is absolute unity and absolute freedom.

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