Sunday, 28 November 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: Your true path is a flow of abundance (New teaching)

There are human beings who are able to recognize that their governments, organisations and social structures are restricting them, pushing them into a maze of fear and anxiety and the exit is nowhere to be found. There are people who are worried about restrictions imposed on them. They worry about their ability to maintain peace and connect to their truth. They worry about what is coming and what additional restrictions will affect their lives. In their state of fear they will not stop pointing the finger not only to the people who bring these restrictions but also to the ones who follow them. In a state of fear they can not see themselves. They can not see that they are constantly triggered, moving deeper into the maze of anxiety, experiencing vulnerability and separation that blocks them from being in peace. You may hear them say: how can I be at peace when restrictions take freedoms away ? I will advise these people to slow down, stop thinking, stop fighting. Return into your being, into your state of peace and connect to your true path. Your true path is a flow of abundance, truth and freedom .When you are fighting you are in the mind and the mazes of fear and anxiety. When you are in peace you are following your path and you share your light, supporting life on Earth.

Friday, 19 November 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: The current growth cycle of Earth

Human beings should know that Earth is divided into different layers of physical and energetic existence. These different layers are not yet connected to each other because they have different vibrations. They are able to carry the light in their own unique way and this affects the life that is created on the surface as well as the inner parts of the Earth. The distortion that exists on the surface and affects life does not enter the inner parts. It is like a cloud of pollution that can only affect beings that have not fully developed their ability to receive and transmit light and bring powerful transformation to the surface of the Earth. If you were able to travel to the inner parts you will see that there is a greater connection and all living beings are aware of the powerful core and they are open to receive and transmit light with it. For several growth cycles, Earth focused on building bridges for all layers to help them connect and communicate. Some of these bridges are the energies that are coming from the core of the Earth and are reaching living beings on the surface. These living beings are powerful receivers and transmitters of light and support the energies to reach all life. Earth has also created physical bridges by creating new species and nourishing all living beings in order to live a life of abundance. Earth is supporting the powerful receivers and transmitters who experience life on the surface of the planet .They are building these bridges with her and supporting beings that are coming out of their state of distortion. At this present moment Earth is taking many steps to empower living beings and help them see that their purpose is not a pyramid of rewards but is the truth and the true path that they have always carried in them. This path will lead them to Earth, collective growth and show them the way to become co-creators. Truth is not hidden. It is available to all beings and will offer you the most powerful healing leading to a transformation that will support Earth's growth.

Saturday, 16 October 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: Healthy relationships between people

Humans have many worries and anxiety about having relationships with other people. For many people, there is no truth or real joy in relationships. Everything is changing very quickly: people's emotions, expectations, behaviour patterns, their ability to receive and transmit. All these constant changes affect the path and purpose of the union between people. If you start to observe your relationship with others you will see that from the very beginning you were in a fantasy world. You are entering a relationship having no clarity about your true intention, you have no clarity about the other person's true intention and fantasy can create what is missing. When human beings follow fantasies they are going to experience emotional roller coasters, excitement and great disappointment all at once. In the beginning, fantasies will create the perfect relationship in somebody's mind, people are looking at the partners and see the perfection they fantasize about.  When the fantasy and its illusionary expectations start to fade, behaviour patterns, fear and limitations come to the surface and create a different landscape. This can shock human beings and their reaction is to go into the survival mode and the ego. This creates more layers of confusion and separation between people. Some of you may ask how can I experience a loving relationship with others and is this possible on Earth? Your starting point is to love yourself and know who you are. People who do not love or know themself they create relationships that are based on need. They need to be loved by others, they need their attention, their confirmation that they are lovable and often they demand this type of behaviour from their partner. Another behaviour pattern makes people give in order to be liked, do things for others in order to get their approval. This can also lead to a loveless and complicated relationship. Human beings can not create relationships with others if they do not have a relationship with themself. This connection can only be based on truth, a deep understanding of your greatness your unique qualities, your path and your purpose in this lifetime. 

Sunday, 10 October 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: Are you able to love yourself and your body?

Are you able to love yourself? Are you able to love your body? How do you experience your love and what actions do you take to make your love a reality? Religions have placed heaven far away from the human being's reality. But the heaven of nourishment, joy, abundance, and growth exists around you and you only need to step in and start experiencing it. When heaven is placed further away from human beings' reality, they are left with limitations, fears, imbalances in the body, and the fear of survival. People experience great obstacles, disease, gear schisms, and traumas. They also become blind as to the ways they can love and maintain a healthy body. When you experience the fear of survival your choices will lead you to darker paths. False and destructive criteria take over and natural ways to nourish your body become a forgotten truth. If you are not looking after your body because of ignorance or other reasons that the mind creates, you are allowing imbalances to be created and affect your path. Human beings who are able to escape this limited state will experience that the heaven of abundance, beauty, and greatness is in their being, it surrounds them it is the creative force that supports their life in this present moment. People in the western world experienced a great distance between themselves and nourishment: It is too expensive, it is not practical, can not be found easily, it requires too much time and energy. People in the western world are living beings and they are also surrounded by nourishment. All living beings can connect to Earth and receive. If your physical location does not allow you to experience Earth's creative forces then move to another location. This is your priority, Life is a precious gift. Human beings can experience heaven on Earth at this moment when they come out from their limitation of the mind, the ignorance of their powerfull being, and their self-destruction.

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: The fundamental element of meditation

Human beings in the western world have discovered meditation, exploring old spiritual traditions. They have created many different types of meditation and each type is linked to a specific form of healing, transformation, or a vehicle to guide them to their true path and unique abilities. This plethora of meditation techniques reflects the countless illusionary choices of modern time. Are these meditations leading to the true path of humanity to exist in harmony, peace in unity with Earth and her creation? The fundamental element of meditation is for people to experience peace and maintain this state. Meditation has no time limit but it is a state that you want to grow and experience constantly. Being able to maintain a state of peace will help you see the obstacles, limitations, worry, and other negative beliefs that are constantly in connection with you. There are human beings who completely ignore the blockages and limitations in their mind; they ignore the fear patterns, their mechanical lifestyle. They accept all this as part of their reality; they are characteristics that many people carry so there are part of human life. When people are asked to experience a state of peace and maintain this state all the imbalances and limitations will come to the surface and will interfere. If people are not able to be in a state of peace they have to observe their limitations. Never abandon this great gift, the gift of peace, because when you fully experience it is going to offer you another gift, the gift of truth. When you know your truth you cannot be entangled in illusion.

Saturday, 28 August 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: Creating strong bonds with your family

The light of the gods is reaching humanity and many of you will experience growth and transformation. People who are seeking truth will look at themselves and observe the many layers of distortion that were created for many years. Fear, judgement, limitation, ignorance are not natural qualities of a human being. They are impurities that were created by external forces. People on Earth are not aware that they minimize their growth and are not able to help others grow. Part of your purpose is to connect to others, pass the cosmic light and assist them to connect to their true-self and fulfil their purpose. It is very clear that most people are struggling to support family and friends because they are not able to connect to their true-self. Most actions and thoughts bring distortion; People appear to be selfish were in reality they exist in distortion. The family that you are born to on the Earth plane consists of energy beings that are connected to you in the astral plane. There are group reincarnations that are happening on Earth to offer support to all human beings involved. Members of your family who pass away or others who are born when you are older, they often become your guides and support you on your path of truth. Creating strong bonds with your family experience your true-self with them, allowing them to step out from distortion and have a balanced state are great gifts for all of you to enjoy and share. If you are able to disconnect from your artificial need to control, possess, ignore, separate, and judge or feeling weak and limited then together with you family you are going to blossom to a flower of truth and growth. This is something that you should all try to achieve; it will help you connect to your true-self and experience walking the path of truth with people who are connected to you energetically. If you are able to grow with them in the astral plane you should allow this to happen on Earth and enjoy the fruit of this connection.

Friday, 20 August 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: Civilizations on other planets

Some of you have wondered about civilizations on other planets and if these civilizations are supported by gods and in what way?On Earth, mythology and the existence of gods, have created many colorful stories. People of all regions, in all different eras, have created stories that made clear the existence of gods and their participation in Earth's growth. You have to remember that if human beings were able to connect to the high light of the cosmos and the powerful energies of the Earth were inspired to create a new narrative, a new story to try to define their experiences. Civilizations of humanoid beings exist in many planets and astral systems and naturally, they have created their own narrative regarding divine intervention. Similar to Earth, humanoid beings that had experiences connecting to powerful forces became the authors of this narrative and social mechanisms will shape it according to these races' consciousness. Beings who carry a high vibration, do not rely on the narrative to define the connection with gods and cosmic creation. It happens through their being; they are open to receive and transmit light. Every single being has this ability and it is not being restricted by social mechanisms. The gods are carriers and transmitters of high light and the light that moves through them reaches every single being in the whole cosmic creation. The cosmic creation exists in unity; there are no separations or polarities. All beings carry life in them so they naturally have the ability to connect to the cosmic forces of creation and be supported by the high light of the Source. 

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: The transition between life and death

Human beings that allow illusion and distortion to create a life for them and get lost into the maze of self-destruction, cannot experience an effortless flow of growth, guiding them through countless interconnected transformations and growth cycles so they can fully experience their path and purpose in this lifetime and support them through the powerful transition, leaving the Earth plane and reconnecting with the astral body in the astral plane. In a state of illusion, there is a separation between the being and all aspects of its existence. For example, the mind, body, and energy are not in unity; there is a separation between the being, its thoughts, and life opportunities; your true path can be quite vague and does not exist in unity with your everyday experiences. When you start observing human beings who have accepted distortion as their true state, you see the countless cracks and schisms that allow many imbalances to grow strong roots in a being. The transition between life and death is another painful schism that brings enormous fear, anxiety, and confusion about what is coming. Human beings have to observe and disconnect from everything that tries to keep them divided, fragmented, or separated. In this present moment, you are observing all forms of separation turning into a veil that has been thrown over you, locking you into fragmentation. You have the ability to remove it by focussing on the unity of who you are. Your being is a unity serving a greater unity, the cosmos. All growth processes that are created to offer constant re-birth to cosmic life, enter your being and create this effortless flow and constant growth leading to a continuous and everlasting rebirth. The end of a life cycle is a powerful transformation that can be experienced as an effortless rebirth bringing you back to the home of all creation.

Friday, 30 July 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: The birth of a physical body and the creation of a multidimensional being

Having a life experience on Earth is a seed that goes through countless transformations and is supported by powerful creative forces that not only support its creation but they make a home in this new being. All creative forces that were involved in the creation of your being, exist in you and your whole being is a portal that leads to these powerful life-creators. The end of a life cycle that most human beings understand as the death of the physical body is a process of multiple transformations that lead to transition and purification. All creative forces that supported the birth are going to be present, designing the transition time. One of these forces is the light of your astral body, being supported by the light of the cosmos and empowering Earth's creative forces. The light within your being will be the one that will disconnect from the physical body and energy and allow them to reconnect to Earth and become a layer of her body. This is only one phase of the transition and purification and should be experienced as an effortless flow. All transformations and growth processes should be experienced as a constant and effortless flow that brings more expansion and creates more opportunities for new transformations. A human being should experience joy moving from one cycle of growth to another; even if the life flow takes to the end of a life cycle, joy should not end. This transition will be another wonderful transformation that will lead to another powerful unity and expansion that will grow between the cosmos and Earth

Sunday, 18 July 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: The first phases of reincarnation

In the first phases of reincarnation, the astral light will enter the multidimensional space that unites Earth and cosmic existence and will support the creation of the physical body. The astral light meets with the powerful light of Earth and opens her up to her ability to create life. The astral light confirms Earth's creative abilities to initiate the formation of a physical body and an energy field around it. The core of the being is the multi-dimensional space that unites Earth and the cosmos; the residence of the astral light within the being. When Earth is called to create the physical body and energy field, she is aware of the being divine plan. She wants to create a physical body that is fully tuned and connected to its divine plan. The divine plan is carried by the astral light and exists in the core of the being. The core will go into processes of transformation and growth and create the truth of the being, its path, and purpose, and countless opportunities of growth and unity with all living beings. Earth will create a body that can carry all these gifts and much more. She will teach the body to a unique movement, an effortless flow that unites not only the parts of a being but all of Earth's creations. She will teach the body to recognize and stay open to receive nourishment as well as to create nourishment for others. Earth wants you to connect to the core of your being and experience the cosmic seed in you; the astral light and the wonderful gifts that are available to you, to support you reach the path of truth and the purpose in this lifetime.

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: Escape the mind, experience your multidimensional being

The cosmic light in your being is constantly reminding you that you are a multidimensional cosmic being that exists in many planes and experiences many life forms. This is the prime law of your existence that will shape and reveal to you all opportunities of growth and transformation available to you in this lifetime. Human beings who expect the mind to show them all truths exist in confusion and ignorance. They see their patterns of limitation being their path, their struggles are their strength, their doubts are inner calling and their wisdom is their fight to escape survival and confusion. Human beings who experience life in the mind are blocking all tunnels of communication with the light in the core. This limits their opportunities to experience life as a multidimensional being and explore the powerful gifts and abilities that can be stored in their multi-dimensional being. The different dimensional existences can be seen as a series of interconnected rooms. You can only explore these rooms if you empty yourself from the effect of the mind; release thoughts, perceptions, beliefs, expectations, patterns, limitations and the fear of failure. When you move away from the mind and enter the being, you will have to go through a process of purification. You will release the old obstacles and confusion and you will enter a pure and peaceful state that will naturally and effortlessly lead you to the light.

Friday, 2 July 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: Dogmas and archetype behaviour

When we experience freedom then we can become the creators of our own life. Destroying our connection with the persona and the life style can help us discover our true-self. Structures are necessary when they support truth and growth for all. Do not look at social systems to help you support your evolution. We need communities where people are supported in their evolution, developing their skills, studying true methods and fulfilling their purpose. With our whole existence, we support and complement each other inventing new ways of transmitting and receiving energy. There is a miraculous way of living and this is being detached from beliefs, dogmas and archetypal behaviour. All the above have been created to help you focus and sustain a certain consciousness and life experience. We are asking you now to abandon and destroy the persona and the life style. Our aim is to give everybody the tools they need in order to paint their own authentic picture of themselves and let their true purpose be revealed. We want you to detach yourself from all that you are, right now and connect to your true-self, the one that is known to the masters and gods. For some, this may seem an impossible task because the physical reality has limited possibilities. Also it is very convenient for human beings to follow false securities and be part of false hierarchical structures. How will you feel if all society rules and expectations have no effect in your life? How can this change your life? Is it going to be a positive or a negative experience? Systems are very important when they support truth and growth for all. Your society needs to be organised differently. You need a new system where people are supported in their evolution, developing their skills studying true methods and applying themselves to high work. Nobody should be allowed to interrupt or destruct other people’s progress. Competition is pointless because everybody has their own task and has their own tools and skills. With our work we help and complement each other inventing new ways of transmitting and receiving information. Healthy society is the one which accepts all individual paths and tries to make connections in order to support every one of them. When the individual lives a happy and fulfilled life, being supported and given the opportunity to follow their path and reach their purpose, society expands and grows in balance with the rest of the creation. This is what I would like to give to you: the home of Thoth. (Fountain Source of High Wisdom Sacred Book of Thoth)

Friday, 25 June 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: Purpose, the Living God

Thoth teaches us freedom and truth. When human beings connect to their true-self they will be able to follow their purpose and have a life full of remarkable and liberating experiences. Human beings should take a step out from their current spot of confusion and start to see life in its true authentic state. We can acquire awareness when we acknowledge the light in us and use it as a guide. There are many people who say “I am looking for the high path” or “I am taking the high path”. What do they really mean with that? Do they mean that their life has some meaning or purpose? Do they mean that they are able to connect to their higher self? These two statements are routes that have a meeting point. Your life needs to be meaningful, full of interesting and liberating experiences in order to understand your purpose which is linked to the higher-self. Why do people move in circles activating multiple layers of negativity, fear and destruction? Is this related to their purpose? What I teach is freedom and truth. You are given everything you need to achieve your purpose. Your creators want you to be happy and have a fulfilled life and this is why you have a purpose. Your purpose is your driving force, your lucky star, the treasure chest you were always looking for. Why do you ignore your true path of freedom and growth and instead you lock yourself in a space of darkness and stagnation? It is the movement that you need in order to have inspiration and motivation. We are asking you to take a step away from your spot and start to see life in many colours and shapes. You creators have given you light and you have to acknowledge its existence in you and use it as a guide and sacred nourishment. Why are you looking elsewhere when you already have the nectar and the ambrosia? It is all very simple and very clear when you step out from your stagnation point. All you have to do is just one step forward. You, who are looking for your purpose, what is your strategy in your quest? For some people, purpose is just a word, an idea. For me purpose is a living being, much higher than the human being itself. A purpose of a being stays the same in all different realms and all reincarnations. It is a part of the higher self and perhaps it is the only part that stays close to the being in all different realms. Your purpose is a versatile instrument which was created with great effort and skill. You can always reach your purpose wherever you are because it is your compass through your whole growth. There are many people who find it hard to connect to their purpose and this is because they cannot accept it. When we can’t accept our purpose, we create many false representations of it, often related to social ideals. These false representations are created by us and function as diversions. Some would ask why people do that, what they have to gain from it. There is nothing to be gained. If you follow your true purpose you follow truth and freedom and this is not promoted by your society. Your society teaches you a life of restriction where the individual has to restrict others too. A life of truth and freedom can only be a wild dream for most people on Earth and this is why they do not accept the true purpose. This happens to most people, even the ones who claim to be awake or aware or even enlightened. I am here to remind you that your life is very important, you should not waist it, you should love yourself, the way your creators love you and you should follow the path of truth and freedom leading to your purpose. Some of you do not believe in gods, when you meet your purpose you will meet your own living god.

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: Life on the surface of the Earth during the golden era

All human beings should bring Earth’s golden era into their being. This is a powerful way to connect to the essence of Earth and purify from distortion that exists on the surface of the planet. Earth is a multidimensional being that experiences constant transformation and growth. She is a powerful creator and everything that she creates carries the same gifts, qualities, and creative powers. In the golden era, transformation and growth were caused by the high light of the cosmos. Earth’s physical body was in constant transformation. She was created to have an aura or an energy field that extended far beyond the physical body. The beings that Earth created first appeared in the core and they were light beings having an eternal life cycle, supporting Earth’s growth and transformation. The beings that were created carried the light of Earth’s essence and the high light of the Source and were created to receive and transmit light. Earth’s intention has not changed over the years: she always creates receivers and transmitters of light. In the golden era, Earth’s intention was to remain in a state of expansion towards the high planes and have a direct and open connection with the Source. Earth was created to be the seed of a new high plane that could support the expansion of the astral plane.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: All life exists in divine unity

Human beings know gods through mythology and religion. For many humans, a god has a physical as well as a light form and he or she is concerned about the lives of human beings. When human beings are not able to experience unity, they cannot see that they are part of a living god and this is Earth but they are also part of a high creator and this is the Source. The greatest illusion and suffering that humans experience is their illusionary belief that they exist separately from Earth and if Gods exist, they are only concerned about the human civilization which is superior and therefore in separation from all creation. This belief makes humans receive and transmit illusion, focus on the mind/ego, and experience a life disconnected from their purpose and path. When you connect to Earth and see how effortlessly she can create and nourish all living beings, you will know that she is a god creator following cosmic laws. Earth is connected to the cosmos, she is experiencing cosmic growth and she wants all her creation to exist in unity and create a bridge for the cosmic light to enter her energy field. The purpose of humanity is to become creators and experience their divine plan, the godly plan. When you are able to connect to Earth, connect to the cosmos, follow cosmic laws, and create effortlessly then you experience the high light of the cosmos transforming your being. Some of you may want to know about the gods of the Pleroma. You may also want to ask: can humans be gods? The gods of the pleroma exist in high light and they are able to connect to the Source and create according to the Source’s intention. A simple way to explain the Source and its connection to the gods and the rest of the creation is the following: Imagine a human being that is fully naked, this human being would want to cover himself in order to feel safe, warm, and protected. He may also want to develop some tools to help him create. Then he is going to create his home, his garden, his neighborhood, town, or country. The intention of this being is the light of the Source; the clothes and tools are the gods of the pleroma; his home and garden are the high planes where gods exist and everything else is the rest of the creation. The light of the Source is guiding the gods to create. This light is absolute unity and absolute freedom.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: The enormous potential of self

There was a time that gods were able to communicate with the people of Earth and sacred wisdom was passed down to them. It was necessary that the Earth should return to her first phase of growth, her golden era. Gods shared sacred knowledge and high light with the priests and wise men of different communities to help people escape survival and return to effortless growth. The priests created temples that had high energies for people to visit and receive healing, acquire knowledge, restore balance and connect to the gods’ energies. The ceremonies and rituals often took place in rural areas in order to heal Earth from her trauma. The teachings of the gods were communicated to people energetically; musical harmonies and dance were also used, imitating the harmonies of the cosmos. Human beings tried to safeguard sacred knowledge in order to protect it from distortion, destruction and death. Many leaders and practitioners of the arts of manipulation were attracted to this knowledge that they thought would help them empower themselves and connect them to high beings. Many expeditions and wars took place on Earth for people of power to acquire sacred knowledge. The place of The City of Shambhala (Tibet) was a mystery school connected to other mystery schools that existed in the areas of Europe and Asia. Many of those mystery schools were invaded and destroyed and their members had to take sanctuary in remote areas that were less accessible. The people who lived there were students and teachers of cosmic truth. They were all connected to the high energies of Earth and this made it possible for them to connect to the cosmos. All people who lived there understood cosmic truths and they all participated in rituals. Wisdom was not a privilege but a gift to all beings who are able to connect to the light of the cosmos and understand their purpose. The purity and connection that those people were able to experience then are now diminished and altered because they accepted visitors who were against growth. You are asking me if there is an entrance in this area that leads to the hollow Earth. Human beings cannot enter the hollow Earth. You can use telepathy to connect to beings that exist there; you can have visions of it. The first living beings that were created by Earth and experienced the Golden age, they now live in the hollow Earth to protect themselves from destruction. Many people are interested in reading about mystery schools and the knowledge and growth they shared with their members. I will advise you not to follow the illusion by fantasizing about what you cannot experience yourself. Do not divide people into masters and students; you can not be a master if you are not a student. Growth is constant and mastery is an illusion. Everything that exists on Earth and the cosmos is in you and you have to focus on the enormous potential of self. Allow the transformation to take place, allow your light to transform others

Saturday, 19 June 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: The symptoms of distortion

Thoth teaches us that all different spiritual movements have something in common and this is sensationalism. Their core teachings are built on a fantastic concept which is vaguely proven to work. This is a symptom of distortion on Earth. My words should find a place in the hearts of all human beings, who try desperately to become enlightened. There is great faith in people’s hearts when they are connected to the gods and wish to be free from the burden that they experience on Earth. They are aware that their physicality is not the only way to experience truth and they try to disconnect from the body and connect to the spirit. They have been many different teachers who have misinterpreted ancient wisdom by giving it a modern make- over. These teachers took part in the distortion of truth and filled people with promises that never became reality. All different spiritual movements have something in common and this is sensationalism. There is always a fantastic idea which is vaguely proven to work and all people will believe it, try it, talk about it and then somehow it fades away to be replaced by another idea. This phenomenon is not happening by accident. It is a symptom of distortion on Earth. Due to distortion, nothing really grows and develops and this is why there is not result. Healing that takes place on Earth will not heal the dead. I want people to wake up to the truth and realise that their world is a fantasy. Their power is taken away and ability to communicate with the divine is weak being confused with new spirituality and relevant philosophies and practises. There is a simple way to be enlightened and this means that you will be able to receive your first lesson in cosmic truth when you are true to yourself. It seems like a simple task but for many people on Earth is one of the greatest challenges. Open your eyes and see that everything around you is false, artificial, distorted and has no true purpose. Some people may think that they have no choice but to accept illusion in order to survive. I say that you are all free and you can decide for your own lives. Do not give your power away because if you do you also give away your purpose. I want to see the people of Earth naked without the old garments, standing as true beings to receive the grace and follow their path. These are the beings that will connect to the gods and reach the Pleroma.

Friday, 18 June 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: Is self-realization just another illusion?

It seems that truth seekers exist in a labyrinth of ideas, words and visuals and they are desperately looking for a way out but without success. There are many beings on Earth who are longing to achieve clarity, connecting to their true purpose, but they are entangled in the web of illusion and limitation. Thoth wants to reach all beings with his light and this is his advice: when people are able to empty their minds from all beliefs, aspirations, needs, suffering, pleasures and longings, they will discover their creator. There are humans on this planet who are experimenting with spirituality and present it as a form of dogma or philosophy. In modern days, people have used many different trends, colourful terms and interesting theories. I am not totally displeased with that because I can see that the inner-self opens the way for new discoveries and truth quests. However in the physical plane all high messages come distorted and eventually lose their true meaning. There are people who think that gods are part of a mythology, a colourful fiction, which became part of certain cultures but nobody explains why? I ask: why did gods have a prominent position in ancient people’s life if they were just fiction? Other theories want people to learn self-empowering techniques and encourage them to stay away from all high beings because they do not exist. But how people will be able to self-realise themselves when they live a distorted life? You do not know your true-self when you are not aware of your purpose which was given to you in the beginning of your reincarnation. There was a force that allowed you to reincarnate for a special purpose and this force has been with you ever since. Looking at the body and not at the mind, you know a small percentage of truth that serves and leads a being. People, animals, plants even planets are living beings created by a cosmic force. I am Thoth a creator god and I can see myself in my creation. There is so much life linked to me and I exist through my creation. I am interested in people who try to discover the truth. I know that they are in a labyrinth, desperately trying to find an exit and be free. I want to share my light; I want to show people the way. But I cannot do this by force; I can only help when I am called. I also know that humans have been manipulated through religious beliefs and distrust the divine element. My advice to you is to empty yourselves from all beliefs, all aspirations, needs, suffering, pleasures and longings. When you really empty yourself you will discover your creator.

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: The Essence and the Dream of Creation

In this teaching, Thoth explains that one’s essence is the presence of the High Source which nobody can destroy or alter. Intruders and deceivers have no real power over one’s essence and any attempt to destruction would be fleeting and illusionary. Our growth depends on our ability to create and for this to happen we have to recognize and understand our essence and our creation code. The essence of Earth, in the physical plane, can be described as the golden era, a time of high creation. I am Thoth and I wish to speak to you. There is an area on Earth where all elements and energies meet and this can be seen as the seed from where the planet originated. It is a high point on the planet that exists on the surface and its extension is connected to the hollow Earth, which connects the South and the North Pole and all of the meridians both horizontally and vertically. It is a point of high energy; it is the Earth’s essence and is both physical and astral projection. Nobody can enter or come near this point because it is sacred. With this I want to explain to you that those human beings who manipulate Earth’s resources, the ones who have the visitors’ races as their ancestors, have limited power. It is an oxymoron when people try to expose manipulation, yet manage to give it so much importance. Powerful are the beings who balance their actions and thoughts with the creation of the High gods. Beings regain their power when they understand their essence. Nobody can destroy his own essence because it does not belong to them; they have no control over it. One’s essence is the presence of the High Source, created by the High Gods. Therefore you all exist; you were all given a body, mind, heart, soul and spirit to be used as vehicles in order to get to your final pre- destined destination. You were given freedom to choose different paths in order to gain experience and learn lessons from them. Your true life path is a single line without shortcuts and diversions and it is connected to both your essence and creation code. Once this is realized, you will not sway elsewhere. You will know that you have been here all along. All options, questions, uncertainties, dramas and failures in your life will fade. You begin to experience your essence, divine purpose and your existence in all of its forms, physical and astral and you become aligned to your own essence. The sacred area on Earth, where all energies meet, is an unspoiled space of great wisdom and high creation. This is why we know that balance on Earth is already here. We see Earth’s presence by looking at her essence which shows clearly her great potential as a being and a creator god. In the physical plane the essence of Earth can be described as the golden era, a time of high creation. This is the Earth’s dream which is actually a reality and all beings that exist on the planet have the same dream. Gods are also dreaming of the golden era; the essence of the planet, her single line life plan and her creation code connect and begin to exist as a conscious reality, replacing the limited and distorted beliefs that lower beings so often cling to. Gods’ dreams are a creation progress: a dream is a reality/creation in the making. It slowly takes form and finally presents itself alive and ready to follow its path and get to its final destination. Your growth, as a human being will depend on your ability to have dreams of creation. The first lesson in creation is the recognition of our essence and our creation code; they are our driving force and compass which cannot be altered by anything or anybody. When you understand this first lesson and receive the light of knowledge, I will teach you more about cosmic truths.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: What is the source? 

The light in all beings is expanding in order to move to higherplanes and finally connect to the Source. This is how creation grows and regenerates itself. All beings have a natural ability to grow to higher planes and the energy fields and grids support this growth. There is constant communication within your being, between you and your astral body, higher self, and creation code. This communication can be seen as an energy exchange and creates countless opportunities for growth, guiding you on your path. All beings want to connect to the source because they want to renew the starting point of their creation. This can only happen when you connect to your creator and reestablish an energetic communication. Some of you may ask what is the Source? The source is the highest creator light and all cosmic life is sitting on the light of the source. The same way that Earth is supporting her creation. Allowing growth and nourishment to enter her creation, the source creates in a similar way and everything that creates is part of its light. There is no separation between beings that exist in different planes and the source. Some of you want to ask what created the source? The light beings that exist in the astral plane have no beginning or end; they have unlimited opportunities for growth. They can receive and transmit constantly.This constant movement of light that brings life to all beings is the essence of the source. The source is in constant movement, regeneration, and growth and this is why the qualities of its life are constantly being renewed and its existence and ability to create has no beginning or end. People can describe the source as self-created but there is another form of life that is supporting the creation of the source. 

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Meditation event in Queen's Wood London

We are delighted to invite you to a wisdom meeting which will take place in London at Queen's Wood. Our meeting will take place close to Earth’s creation: the plants, trees, flowers, animals, elements and their powerful abilities to receive and transmit light. Connecting to Earth’s energies, accepting Earth as a Goddess planet, you enable yourself to receive her light. Our meetings are held in high vibrational areas to help you open up and connect to the cosmic light. You will achieve clarity that will help you to transform and fulfil your purpose. All mysteries will be revealed, all knowledge will be shared and cosmic unity will be restored on Earth. Cosmic unity will be experienced on Earth by the people who are able to communicate with us. We are all building bridges between the Earth and the Pleroma, we are all transmitting and receiving light and this way we all participate in recreating the Golden Era on Earth.

Wisdom of Thoth: A new state of being

Some people say that everything is collapsing; the old state of being for humans is forced to dissolve and the new path is created to support growth in the whole planet. Human beings have to know that they supported the old and some of them are still holding on to it. There are other people who can not see the new state of being but they can not see the old either. They mechanically follow their everyday patterns and the truth is the illusion and artificiality that is offered to them by the different sources of distortion including manipulation systems. Everything mechanical that determines your understanding of yourself and your life is part of the old. All experiences that created limitations are part of the old. A state of being that restricts you from being peaceful, free, and blissful is part of the old. A life that does not allow you to connect to Earth, experience her abundance, unity, and effortless growth is a life that human beings have experienced for centuries. All this is collapsing right now and you will be asked to enter a state of peace and open yourself to receive the new. Humanity is standing at the crossroads. They are placed in front of a true path but there are also diversions related to the old patterns and beliefs. Enter a space of peace, purify from the old distorted patterns and see your path and Earth's path being's one. Becoming one with Earth is the high growth that will bring a new state of being.

Monday, 14 June 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: The nature of gods

Thoth explains the nature and purpose of gods and demigods. Some people are wondering about the nature of gods. Are they humanoid, physical beings; do they visit Earth; are they light-beings who has no access to low realms Gods are astral beings and can take many forms. The majority of them cannot enter low realms there fore they are in contact with other astral beings that are able to achieve it. A god is not one being; he has multiple forms and can penetrate many manifestations of reality simultaneously and can take many different forms. They exist in a space without boundaries.Their aim is to possess the most advanced creative tools and take part in complex creative projects. The tool which all gods aspire tohave is the power that makes them eternal and limitless.There are also the demi-gods who are in the process of becominggods as it is reflected on their creation code. They are often the helpers of the gods and they either reincarnate on Earth or other third-dimensional realities or are used as messengers connecting and guiding human beings.You may ask what is the purpose of all this? Gods are themselves high creation. Our source brought life to the universe by creating the gods who are also creators. Our hierarchy is structured with the source at the bottom of the pyramid then the gods and finally all the other species. This shows the eternal and unlimited presence of our creator which consists of everything that exists; its creation known to us is only a small part of its greatness. We are all connected to this great force.

Thursday, 10 June 2021

An order member with Pantheon of Aeternam for almost 6 years gives insights

Hello dear friends, My names is hank and I've been an order member with Pantheon of Aeternam for almost 6 years.I wanted to share with you about the orders newest book Sacred Book of Earth. This is an amazing book and gives a true account of Earth's creation of her physical body and how things came to be the way they are on Earth in the current times. There is also knowledge about how the physical realm was created and the purpose of this creation. Simply put this truly is a Sacred text, a gift from Thoth to help human beings reestablish their connection and communication with our divine mother Earth.Learning the truth of Earth helps us to form a deeper and more complete bond with her as it is meant to be. This book is also a very important guide to helping us realize our own greatness and inner power that comes from the core of our being that is bringing light from the higher planes. Reading this book is a great way to help your own core connect and communicate with the sacred core of Earth which is the seed of Earths divinity. The golden age exists in the core and it is our duty to not only enjoy the splendor of the golden age but to help this light reach all parts of Earth so that the whole planet can re-experience the greatness of the golden era, a time of high creation. Reading the teachings helps us to fulfill this sacred duty bringing freedom, truth and growth to all. This is one of the most powerful books that human beings can read on Earth. Lots of love dear friends and I wish you all the very best. Your friend Hank

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

About Anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorders are the most common form of emotional disorder and can affect anyone at any age. Lifestyle changes can be an effective way to relive some of the stress and anxiety you may cope with every day. Most of the natural “remedies” consist of caring for your body, participating in healthy activities, and eliminating unhealthy ones. Here are some ways to lay down a strong foundation for your health, and in the process experience less stress and anxiety: Get 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Sleep is important for restoration and healing. Getting enough sleep helps to reduce inflammation, curbs cravings for simple sugars and refined carbs, and helps you think more clearly & creatively. Drink 12-16 ounces of water upon waking (and plenty throughout the day). We are very dehydrated when we wake up in the morning - having gone 8 hours without any water! Drinking warm lemon water (with just a pinch of sea salt) before your coffee can help replenish lost electrolytes and stimulate your digestive system (it also sets you up for remembering to drink more water throughout your day!). Spending time outside first thing in the morning helps to reset your circadian rhythm naturally. If you’re someone who has trouble falling asleep at night, this is an amazing tool to get better sleep! Taking a break for each hour of work to stretch or move your body (walks are my favorite). Breaks are essential for our minds to work optimally. Breaks are often seen as disruptors to our productivity, but quite the opposite is true. Research shows that we need to take a break at least every 60 minutes of working on something, and should never multi-task. Our gut health influences everything from our weight, to our mood, to our cognitive ability. It can be the reason for our back pain, the root of our depression, and of course, the cause of our digestive issues. Trillions of microbes are living in the digestive tract, with at least 400 species of bacteria in the gut. This means that there are more bacteria in the gut than the cells throughout the body. These microbes are essential in digesting food, warding off potential pathogens or harmful microorganisms, and synthesizing vitamins. Adding a prebiotic or probiotic supplement to your diet may be a great way to improve your gut health. Prebiotics provide “food” meant to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, while probiotics are live good bacteria. People with bacterial overgrowth, such as SIBO, should not take probiotics. Not all probiotic supplements are high quality or will actually provide benefit. It’s best to consult your healthcare provider when choosing a probiotic or prebiotic supplement to ensure the best health benefit.

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

By Hank Geda

How can you connect to the cosmic light? You can achieve to connect with the cosmic light by remaining in a state of peace. This is a limitless state where you allow the being to connect with all your bodies and balance the energies. It is a state of freedom and expansion where you block the distortion from entering the mind and being. It is a state where you can purify yourself and expand towards Earth and the cosmos. What is your understanding of inner peace? This is a pure state that allows you to grow and expand. It is a way for us to purify ourselves and be free from distorted energies. It helps us to experience our path and purpose by allowing us to function energetically the way our creator intended us to. How can you create a space of peace? First, you must empty your mind from all thoughts to come to you. Then you bring your attention to your being your body. Focus on all the details of this gift of the body and explore all its functions and gifts. Become one with your being so that you may become one with Earth and the cosmos. What is your experience creating a space of peace? I feel wholeness, growth, bliss and greatness when I enter a space of peace. It is a time of happiness and great joy, being free from the illusion and distortion. I try to make this my permanent state and be a beacon of light and growth for earth, humanity and the rest of creation. It allows me to experience my whole being and be a perfect receiver and transmitter of cosmic light. What is the limitation of the mind? This is like forcing the eternal nature of your whole being into a small box with no room to grow and almost no space to breathe. It is unnatural and brings distorted energies to one's self and the environment the being exists in that experiences these phenomena. It is false but appears real and casts a veil of illusions. It is a state of fragmentation and distortion. What makes you negative? I try not to be negative but I do know and recall things that made me negative before. I used to be negative when I would dwell on how much suffering I experienced in my life. I would ask myself questions like " why would the creator put me through this?" and then I would get upset. I realized that all this behavior was more or fewer games of the low beings and illusion to trick me into a delusional, distorted and fragmented state to lower my vibration so they can feed on my energies. I also get triggered by other things sometimes but mostly I do not get this way anymore. I sometimes get upset one people around me to transmit low distorted energies to me because I feel like all the hard work I do to purify myself goes to waste but I know this is not true. What triggers negativity in you and how do you maintain peace in your being? Suffering, limitation, distortion, illusion and games of the low beings. They try to create false stories in my mind and trick me into creating a false reality. I can observe all this and I do not create the false realities of suffering anymore. I try to just focus on my being and be happy to be part of Earth's growth, healing and rebirth. I remember all the things I'm grateful for and this helps me maintain peace. What is your understanding of true happiness and fulfillment and how people can achieve it? I'd like to say that this is a state of growth and expansion. This is achieved by remaining in a peaceful state which is the only state that we can be truly happy in. As eternal energy we can enrich ourselves by achieving our goals of fulfilling our divine plan on earth and ascending in the astral plane, transcending cycles of growth and reaching to our higher self and creator. This to me brings us true happiness and fulfillment. What is your true-self and how can you connect to it? The true-self is a lower form of your astral body. It is a connection point for us on Earth to connect with our astral body. To connect with it we have to purify ourselves from all distortion, fragmentation, limitations and illusion. Returning to our pure state we can experience our whole being and all the connections to it including our true-self. Being peaceful and raising our vibration helps us achieve a state where we can connect with our true-self. What is your understanding of the following guidance: “The state of peace can be achieved by all human beings when they are able to block the distortion of the mind.” The distortion of the mind locks a being in a state that brings them limitations, fragmentation, disconnection and leads to the creation of schisms. A distorted state is an unnatural state and disconnects a being from the growth and wholeness that they can experience being their true self. It blocks you from the connections with the cosmos, earth and your whole being. Blocking the distortion of the mind will free your being and energy which brings you much peace. Are you able to observe thought patterns that take you away from your state of peace? Yes, sometimes I can get distracted by different patterns that I'm able to observe. It is all designed by the illusion to low my vibration and trick me into creating distortion. It's always having something to do with negativity and low energies which makes it easier to identify and ignore it. Can you describe your fear patterns? Fear patterns are completely illusionary as well as unnatural. It is not real and it creates distortion. It is mainly used to trick people into manipulating themselves to a distorted state and blocking their connections with true-self, earth and cosmos. Observe a moment in your life that you were forced to act in a way that was destructive to yourself or others. I used to have a drinking problem because I was trying to escape my reality. This created schisms in me and was very destructive. I stopped drinking many years ago and decided I wanted to live a happy and pure life. I discovered later that most of these distorted patterns were being transmitted to me from my environment by other people that carried these patterns which seem to be a family pattern. I was also being destructive to myself by being forced by low beings to create schisms to myself when I was young and too ignorant to understand what I was doing. Why is peace a state of expansion? This is because I return you to your natural state where you are free and being limitless. When you are not blocked, growth is a natural process for eternal energy beings. When you are able to grow this makes you expand which is natural and peace helps you achieve this. How can you dive into your being and create a space of peace? Empty your mind, purify yourself and love every aspect of your being! Instead of being trapped in the mind focus on the wholeness and growth of your being. Society teaches people to stay in the mind and that the mind is superior but then people ignore their body. The body is the greatness of our whole being manifested in a physical form. All of our talents and abilities are stored in this physical manifestation so it should not be ignored but cherished and loved! Lots of love Hank

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Monday, 31 May 2021

Why don't you change? by krishnamurti

You've heard all this, you as a human being. Why don't you change? What prevents you? If each one of us ask that question - not verbally, of nearly intellectually, as an entertainment - but ask the question most seriously and deeply, what's your answer? What's your answer to this problem, that human beings has lived this way for millennia upon millennia, why haven't they changed? Why haven't you, who are listening now, why haven't you changed? You know, if you don't change, once the consequences are, you'll be national, nationalistic, you'ld be tribal, insular, isolated, and therefor having no relationship globally...fighting, fighting, fighting. Building up more and more arms, to destroy each other. Now, why don't you, if you're all serious in this matter, why don't you ask yourself that question? Why am I, a human being, who have been through all this, why haven't I changed?: What would be your answer? Either you're not serious, you want to live a very, very superficial live, and that superficiality temporally satisfies you....or you really don't care? As there always will be immediate pleasures, immediate satisfactions, you really don't care. You don't care for your children if they're murdered, if you would really don't have no deep love and affection for them . If you had, you'ld prefent all wars. So apparently, none of these things mean anything to you? Or probably you're so deeply conditioned, psychological (of course we are biological conditioned, that is the full matter, all together) but psychological conditioned and one is not aware of it, and you ca... unless that, that there is freedom from that conditioning, you'll go on this way. After all, live is what? One global unity movement. So, in a same way our consciousness is commen to all mankind. Now, if I radically change, surely it effects the rest of the consciousness of men. Now, why don't you change?

Sunday, 30 May 2021

Wisdom of Astaroth: Your True-Self will Become Known to you

The intention of the cosmic light is to travel to all beings and give them the clarity they need to continue with their growth and fulfil their purpose. The cosmic light is the extension of our Source that connects to all beings in all planes; this is how unity is experienced in the cosmos. In higher planes, there is a great movement of energies, connecting to the cosmic light and also connecting to other beings and energetic forms. The movement supports growth and creation. All human beings are naturally connected to the cosmic light and part of their purpose is to grow and create but often the blockages in them restrict those abilities; human beings are not even aware or understand that they can create and grow. People on Earth focus on illusionary success criteria or negativity and limitation in them or others. They accept limitation as truth and they live a life of limitation. They also try to convince others by judging and criticising them; they see it as their duty to infect people with limitation and take them on a diversion. Some may ask: Why human beings cannot connect to truth and why do they go against their purpose? It has to do with being passive, not taking responsibility of their own lives; in this state they trust illusion more than truth. Illusion is a stranger that knocks their door and being in a hypnotic state, they will open the door to receive whatever stands there in front of them. Truth is not a visitor, an external force or an intruder. Truth is part of your being and is waiting for you to connect to it. People do not know truth because they exist in a fragmented state. If they are able to experience unity and balance in all parts of their physical and energetic existence on Earth then they will be able to see truth and understand the importance of growth and connection to the cosmos and how it can be achieved. The first step to connect to your true-self is to disconnect from distortion and be in a state of peace and then connect to your whole being, experience unity and allow the cosmic light to go through you. You will receive healing and knowing and your true-self will become known to you.

Wisdom of Thoth

Everything on Earth is distorted. There is no truth in people’s actions, beliefs and motivation. Truth is an unpleasant companion for most Earthlings because it reminds them of their inability to walk their path and fulfil their purpose. People are kept prisoners of a man-made illusion. Most of them are isolated from Earth and the natural laws and have a false impression that they are superior. In reality, they are prisoners and are kept away from the beauty, harmony and wisdom of the divine creation that exists on Earth. Truth can transform you, empower you, guide you and give you enormous strength. When you accept the truth, you are able to connect to your higher-self and then everything becomes clear. When you accept truth as your only companion, all doors open and you are suddenly in front of the grace of the gods. _________________________________________________________ Taken from the book "Wisdom of Thoth" Done by communication between Thoth & the messengers of Pantheon of Aeternam

Saturday, 29 May 2021

Wisdom of Thoth

There is a constant movement of energy and this is responsible for creating and maintaining life on Earth. All beings are open to the cosmic evolution which is supporting their own growth and vice versa. The lower planes staying distant form the highly productive astral plane. The cosmic growth has very little effect on them and as a result their growth is very low. The cosmos seems to have a very complex structure, mainly because of its vastness and the multiple reflections of it, co-existing at the same time. Life moves in a circular movement of growth and this movement is repeated. Every successful repetition traverses the astral body to a higher vibrational state. When a body is in a process of evolution, it is going to receive and generate more light. All beings are connected to a large group of astral beings. Your creation code is also communicating with their creation codes. -Thoth-

Friday, 28 May 2021

Wisdom of Thoth: The mystery of Birth

--------------------------------- All beings in all planes consist of their creation code. This part of their being is the highest part energetically and is connected to the light of our source. The creation code consists of all expected growth and evolution that one may have. Everything that you are and going to become when you transform is recorded in your creation code including reincarnations. Before you reincarnate you exist in the astral plane. At the right moment, according to your creation code, you are going to be chosen to reincarnate or to exist in a certain plane. The astral being becomes aware of the reincarnation, its purpose and a general life plan. Then it goes through preparation in order to join the body that is created in the womb. The unity between the female and the male parts can not produce a child if the energy of the astral being is not able to enter the unity of the male seed and the female egg. The physical body grows like a plant coming out of a seed; this is a natural process and is related to Earth’s way to create. For Earth, the birth of a plant, an animal or a human being follows the same process of creation. The physical body that grows in the womb attracts the light of the astral being and tries to help the energy find its way and connect to the physical body that starts to form. This is the true mystery of birth and is a complex process depending on many different factors. The parents are also involved in this divine unity and there is a great transformation taking place that affects everybody's growth. Often the energy of the astral being is supported by guides who are able to connect to the physical body and prepare the unity that is about to take place. If the astral being is not able to connect to the physical body then the fetus dies either before the birth or straight after. This is a brief explanation of the birth of a human being. (Extract from the book "Fountain Source of High Wisdom-Sacred Book of Thoth")

Wisdom of Astaroth: The Ego


Wisdom of Thoth: The toxic invasion

There are people on Earth who are supporting the idea of poisonous substances entering the body and allowing pollution to enter all parts oft here being. Many people on Earth are not aware that the food they eat, the water they drink, the air they breathe, and even their actions and thoughts are polluted by forces of destruction and illusion. Some of you have started to wake up and want to disconnect from destruction and illusion and create better life conditions for yourselves and others. This is a good step forward for the people who live in societies that restrict them from the following growth. People who have lived in a state of illusion and have been disconnected from truth, the intent to accuse certain groups or forces of bringing destruction but they never observe themselves supporting illusion. This way they allow it to grow in them and others. It is important for all human beings to benourished by Earth and protect themselves from all toxic substances, to guide others to do the same and live a life with toxins, There are people on Earth that are not affected by the toxic invasion, the illusion and the distortion that thrives in your western society. There are groups of people that are connected to Earth and live in peace with everything that exists. They are not suffering from pollution and they constantly experiencere generation in themselves and the planet. Are you ready to disconnect formall illusion and follow the footsteps of the groups mentioned? By being a channel of cosmic light you can regenerate your whole being and help others do the same including the whole planet. Earth and her creation are able to sustain life because they are constantly transforming, growing, and evolving. For this to happen in a more effective way, Earth and her creation need to connect to the cosmic light, purify themselves from all imbalances, transform into a new being and transmit the light of the cosmos to the planet and her creation. If you are able to achieve this task which is a fundamental cosmic law then all fear, destruction, manipulation, and pollution will disappear. There is not darkness when the sun shines; there are no imbalances when you compleat a purification process; there is no fear when you know your purpose; there is not anxiety when you are creating truth and growth in others. Your being is ,the microcosm that affects the macrocosm; therefore you have to focus on its growth and start a process of purification.

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Wisdom of Thoth: Manipulation on Earth

Thoth is painting a picture of Earth’s beautiful lands and the countless animals and plants that inhabited the planet in the golden age. Earth was a planet of balance, harmony, and abundance and an ideal home for high vibrational races that could appreciate her treasures and wish to enhance her beauty. Most visitors who arrived on the planet tried to get all Earth’s resources, kill and destroy animals and plants and alter Earth’s natural laws; she is still suffering from people in control who try to constantly dismantle her and block her light. Egypt and all its neighbouring areas were the most fertile and rich. There were no deserts in North and Central Africa; it was a land full of precious stones, gold, and natural beauty. The animals and plants came in millions of shapes and colors and people had a great lifestyle and diet. The gods who were on Earth at that time were impressed by the variety and beauty of creation on the planet and we all hoped that Earth will be maintained this way and never lose her first beauty. We were also satisfied with the balance between all species. The first visitors on Earth received a wonderful gift and we thought they will appreciate their new home and enhance its beauty. But as you all know, things did not go according to plan. The Earth was seen as a colony but also as an enemy. Most visitors tried to get all Earth’s resources, killing and destroying animals and plants, altering the Earth’s systems, and generally making her dysfunctional. Earth is still suffering from people in control who try to dismantle her. I know that they are wasting their time. They do not have any real power; their power is based on manipulation. I know what manipulation is; there are demi-gods and lower spirits who use manipulation to attract, what they believe to be light. These entities always support and being supported by other manipulators and they all live the fantasy of being superior. In realms of high consciousness, the weak are immediately seen and truth prevails. However, on Earth’s low vibration, the manipulators have found their perfect home, where they can breathe, multiply and control all aspects of human life. Low vibrational realms are infested by the cockroaches of manipulation and people have to join them and become one with them or distance themselves from them and then they become out-cast. Your society is infected by something that many of you worship and respect as ideal and perfect. We do not want to point the finger, we want to awaken people and make them take responsibility for their own lives. Fear is the manipulators’ weapon as well as disinformation. Being afraid to live your life and be truly happy is something that you have accepted as reality. Happiness, creation, love and so many other blocks of a fulfilled life are with you and should not be taken away. Never give your power away; use it to create. ________________________________________________________ Taken from the book "Fountain Source of High Wisdom Sacred- Book of Thoth". Done by communication between Thoth & the messengers of Pantheon of Aeternam.